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    Hold Fast Freedom Flag (Medium T-Shirt)


    Wrap your love of country around you in this Freedom Flag T-shirt by Hold Fast in City Green. This image calls to mind John 15:13, where we are told that there is no greater love than for one to lay down his life for his friends. Of course, the beauty of this verse is that it reminds us of fallen friends and family, with the backdrop of Christ Himself! His ultimate, eternal sacrifice is the best flag we can rally around.

    Good deeds are one thing. Remembering the ultimate love is quite another. This City Green shirt will remind you of the hallowed ground at Arlington National Cemetery, where good deeds and that greater love go on as far as the eye can see.

    As you wear this cool shirt, you ll get knowing nods and the knowledge that you are encouraging people to reflect on the greatest questions of life. #HoldFast #kerusso #BookofJohn

    1 in stock

    SKU (UPC): 612978490327

    Apparel class: Mens
    Manufacturer: Kerusso


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