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Tiago Brunet

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  • Principios Milenarios – (Spanish)


    Principios Milenarios nos presenta las leyes espirituales que debemos acatar para que nuestra vida terrenal sea mas liviana. “Nunca sera tan facil”, comenta Tiago Brunet, “pero no es necesario que sea tan sufrida”. Lo que garantiza nuestra proteccion emocional, familiar y financiera es el cumplimiento de los principios que estan generando resultados en las vidas de las personas desde hace mas de 2000 aos. En la trama, no solo encontraras personajes biblicos, sino tambien a personas no cristianas de nuestra generacion que, por cumplir estos principios, marcaron la generacion.

    Ancient Principles introduces us to the spiritual laws that we must abide by so that our earthly life is lighter. “It will never be so easy,” says Tiago Brunet, “but it doesn’t have to be so hard”. What guarantees our emotional, family and financial protection is compliance with the principles that have been generating results in people’s lives for more than 2,000 years. You will discover not only biblical characters, but also non-Christian people of our generation who, by complying with these principles, marked the generation.

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  • People Specialist : Biblical Solutions For Real-Life Relationships


    For better or worse, people will define the quality of your life and your future. Everything has to do with people–and how we respond to them. In many of our endeavors, people are the single most important factor in our sense of well-being and happiness.

    Yet, even though we depend on the influence, cooperation, knowledge, and affirmation of others–and others depend on us–we are rarely taught how to understand and effectively relate to our family members, friends, coworkers, and others we encounter each day.

    In the ideal world, people value each other and nobody judges anyone else, our families are loving and supportive, and we forgive those who offend us. But in the real world, it often isn’t that way. Friends gossip about us, enemies try to undermine us, those who should love us may abandon us, and we sometimes hold on to resentments for years.

    When problems or issues arise in relationships, we fall back on our emotions or past patterns of dealing with conflict. We withdraw from other people or lash out at them.

    That’s why we need to develop the art of being a People Specialist. International speaker Tiago Brunet has spent years researching and teaching others how to become experts in real-life relationships. In People Specialist, he explains:

    *How to be intentional about building strong relationships in all arenas of life
    *The three spheres of friendship: strategic, necessary, and close
    *How to manage unavoidable and avoidable relationships
    *The elements that lead to a strong and lasting marriage
    *How understanding ourselves enables us to cultivate positive relationships
    *How to see ourselves as others see us
    *How to implement a program of personal development and success
    *Time-tested biblical principles for connecting to others and resolving conflicts
    *How to see the best in others and invest in them

    With humor, frankness, and energy, Brunet shows how anyone can become a People Specialist, transforming their own life and the lives of those around them.

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  • Especialista En Personas – (Spanish)


    En el mundo ideal, la gente se ama, perdona hasta 70 veces 7 y no juzga para no ser juzgado. Mientras tanto, en el mundo real, los amigos cercanos pueden tener envidia, los miembros de la familia difunden chismes y los menos esperados nos abandonan. El mundo real muestra que el verdadero desafio es gestionar al otro. Necesitas que la gente sea feliz. Invierte en ellos, aprende a ver lo mejor de cada uno y aprende aqui como no esperar algo a cambio y aun asi encontrar satisfaccion y felicidad en tus relaciones. Comprender al otro es el primer paso para lograr grandes amistades y grandes acuerdos .

    In the ideal world, people love each other, forgive up to 70 times 7 and don’t judge in order not to be judged. Meanwhile, in the real world, close friends may envy, family members spread gossip, and we’re abandoned by those we least expect to do so. The real world shows that the real challenge is managing the other. You need people to be happy. Invest in them, learn to see the best in each one, and learn how not to expect something in return and still find satisfaction and happiness in your relationships. Understanding the other person is the first step to great friendships and great deals.

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  • Descubre Tu Destino – (Spanish)


    Donde deseas estar en 10 aos? A quien debes perdonar hoy para que disfrutes de tu maana? Que te impide recomenzar en este mismo instante? Tu actual forma de vivir es coherente con lo que proyectas para tu futuro? Ser responsable de su destino es el mayor regalo que alguien pueda recibir, o puede ser su mayor problema.

    Tiago Brunet es uno de los guias espirituales mas escuchados en Brasil y es un reconocido entrenador de lideres en nuestra generacion. En este libro, te presenta las llaves que abren las puertas de tu futuro. Aqui descubriras que:
    *El destino no es suerte, sino el encuentro de tus decisiones con un plan trascendental.
    *El destino no esta escrito, pero es la union entre tu preparacion personal y la conspiracion divina.

    Desde los heroes biblicos como Samuel, Abraham y Jesus, hasta los contemporaneos como Neymar y Martin Luther King descubrieron y vivieron sus propositos y destinos en esta tierra.

    Descubre tu destino revela respuestas ineditas, transmite enseanzas profundas y propone ideas practicas para que tu descubras y vivas tu destino.

    Aqui, todo sera revelado. !Esta obra es un paso a paso para que entiendas tu futuro!

    Where do you want to be in ten years? Who should you forgive today in order to enjoy tomorrow? What prevents you from restarting your life right now? Is your current way of living consistent with what you dream for your future? Being responsible for your destiny is the greatest gift anyone can receive, or it can be your biggest problem.
    Tiago Brunet is one of the most listened to spiritual guides in Brazil and is a renowned leadership coach for this generation. In this book, he presents the keys that open the doors of your future. Here, you will discover that:
    *Destiny is not luck, but the encounter of your decisions with a transcendent plan.
    *Destiny is not written, but it is the union between your personal preparation and divine cooperation.

    Biblical heroes like Samuel, Abraham, and Jesus as well as contemporary figures like Neymar and Martin Luther King all discovered and lived their purpose and destiny on this earth.

    Discovering your destiny reveals unique answers, deep teachings, and practical concepts to help you to discover and live your destiny.

    Here, everything will be revealed. This work is a step-by-step journey toward understanding your future!

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  • Descubre Tu Proposito – (Spanish)


    Hay personas que participan en proyectos importantes, pero no estan viviendo su proposito. Ni siquiera conocen cual es, y menos saben como cumplir con un proposito que ni siquiera conocen. Proposito, o Idea Central Permanente (ICP) como lo denomina el autor Tiago Brunet, es el principal motivo por el cual haces lo que haces; es lo que te motiva en los dias dificiles. Es lo que define tu identidad. Una persona con proposito esta blindada contra la depresion, el miedo, las criticas, las ofensas y las dudas. En este libro vas a descubrir tu proposito, y cuando lo descubras, 5 cosas cambiaran en tu vida automaticamente: los amigos que tienes, la forma en la que inviertes el tiempo, tu manejo del dinero, la fe que posees, y el diseo de tu destino. Tu vida cobra sentido solamente cuando vives tu proposito. Descubre tu proposito. !Quien tiene proposito ya vencio!

    Some people may be involved in important ventures, but they may not be living their purpose. They don’t even know their purpose, much less are they fulfilling it. Purpose or Idea Central Permanente (ICP, Permanent Central Idea), the way the author Tiago Brunet calls it, is the main motive for whatever you do; it is what keeps you moving through hard times. It is what defines your identity. A person with purpose is protected against depression, fear, doubts and offense. Through this book you will discover your purpose and when you find it, five things will change immediately in your life: the friends you have, the ways you spend time, the way of dealing with money, the faith you have, and design of your destiny. Your life has meaning only when you live in your purpose. Discover Your Purpose. Whoever has purpose is already a winner!

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  • Descubre El Mayor Poder Del Mu – (Spanish)


    Pocos seres humanos comprenden los poderes que existen en el universo, y los que descubran ese misterio marcaran su generacion. Dios le regalo su espiritu al hombre cuando le dio en su soplo dos cosas: vida y proposito. Ese proposito es su ICP (Idea Central Permanente), que esta dentro de usted desde su nacimiento. Su ICP nunca se ha apartado, a pesar de que usted se haya apartado de ella. Si ya descubrio su proposito en la tierra, de seguro habra entendido que para cumplirlo, necesita diferentes poderes para distintos momentos del camino. Segun la Biblia, la fe quita montaas; el dinero lo atiende todo; el amor es mas fuerte que la muerte; la sabiduria es la cosa principal; y la gracia nos basta. Pero cual es el poder que prevalece sobre todos los demas? Hay uno tan imprescindible, que si carece de el, todo lo que haga sera en vano. Este libro es fruto de una profunda investigacion sobre los poderes que mueven al mundo, y como descubrir el gran y eludible misterio de cual es el mayor de todos. Acerquese al principal descubrimiento de su vida. Entre al ambito de lo extraordinario. Dentro de usted puede encontrarse el mayor poder del mundo.

    Few human beings understand the ruling powers of the universe, and the ones who unveil that mystery will mark their generation. God gave man His Spirit when He breathed into him, and thereby gave him two things: life and purpose. Your purpose is your PCI (Permanent Central Idea, ICP or Idea Central Permanente, in Spanish). That PCI has been within you since you were born. Your PCI has never detached from you, even when you have been detached from it. If you have already discovered your purpose on earth, you surely have understood that to accomplish it, you need different powers for different times on the path. The Bible states that faith moves mountains, money takes care of everything, love is stronger than death, wisdom is the first thing, and grace is enough for us. But which is the power that prevails over all the other powers? There is one so indispensable that if you don’t have it, everything you do will be useless. This book is the result of a profound investigation into the powers that move the world, and how to discover the great and evasive mystery that is the greatest power of them all. Make the major discovery of your life. Come into the realm of the extraordinary. The greatest power in the world may lie within you.

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