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    • Christian Community : God’s Word Gives Us Vision And Hope For What It Means


      At its heart, the Christian life is about relationships–loving God, our neighbors, and our brothers and sisters in Christ. In this LifeChange topical Bible study you’ll learn what life is supposed to be like in God’s family, a life that is patterned after the eternal relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Social isolation has such a devastating impact because, as Larry Crabb stated, God created us for community. A pandemic and the rise of social media has amplified this isolation. This LifeChange study guides you towards genuine Biblical community.

      The LifeChange Topical studies are optimized for small group use. Every study is broken down into 8-9 sessions of about 45 minutes. Each session includes:

      *Questions, interpretation, and application of a passage to the topic

      *Personally focused “Your Response” question

      *”For Further Study” section that gives readers another passage to explore around the topic

      *Callouts that include language study, historical context, and illuminating quotes from commentaries

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    • Deepening Your Roots In Gods Family


      In this updated topical Bible study you’ll first learn how to make Christ the Lord of your life. Then you’ll discover how easy it is to branch out by reviewing your spiritual life and sharing it with others. 11 lessons.

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    • Growing Strong In Gods Family


      In this updated topical Bible study you’ll first learn how to make Christ the Lord of your life. Then you’ll discover how easy it is to branch out by reviewing your spiritual life and sharing it with others. 11 lessons.

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    • Bearing Fruit In Gods Family


      This revised topical Bible study features relational wording, personal headlines, and more room for writing study notes. In 11 lessons it teaches participants how to share their faith.

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    • 1-2 Kings : See How God Can Use Even The Worst Of Sinners


      Even the Worst of Sinners

      How could God ever use a sinner like me? Most Christians wonder this at one point or another. Entangled by sin, we question whether anything we do is valuable to God. First and Second Kings show us how, despite the persistent sins of Israel’s leaders, Israel’s God remained faithfully present-leading, guiding, redeeming at every turn. If you’re wondering how God can use you in your life, dive into 1 & 2 Kings and see how he used even the worst of sinners.

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    • 1-2 Chronicles : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Books Of


      The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles tell the story of God’s chosen people and their cycle of sin, rebellion, and repentance. Dive into these books to discover the faithfulness of God and the importance of obedience.

      The LifeChange Bible study series can help you grow in Christlikeness through a life-changing encounter with God’s Word. Discover what the Bible says-not what someone else thinks it says-and develop the skills and desire to dig even deeper into God’s Word. Each study includes study aids and discussion questions.

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    • Ezekiel : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Books Of Ezekie


      To have a lifelong goal of becoming like Christ involves change, and change isn’t always easy. But the more a person knows of God’s purposes for him or her, the more that person can experience God’s joy and participate in His plan. The LifeChange studies on books of the Bible promise a life-changing encounter with God’s Word that can help you grow in Christlikeness. LifeChange studies help you . . .
      *Understand the book’s historical context, purpose, structure, and meaning
      *Apply its powerful, relevant wisdom to current needs and issues
      *Acquire personal study skills and a thirst to go deeper into the Bible’s life-transforming truths

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    • Minor Prophets 1


      Discover what the Bible says-not what someone else thinks it says-and develop the skills and desire to dig even deeper into God’s Word. With this book, readers will gain an in-depth understanding of the books of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. The book also contains study notes and questions for insight and reflection.

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    • Minor Prophets 2


      Discover what the Bible says-not what someone else thinks it says-and develop the skills and desire to dig even deeper into God’s Word.With this book, readers will gain an in-depth understanding of the books of Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. The book also contains study notes and questions for insight and reflection.

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    • Ezra And Nehemiah (Student/Study Guide)


      The Old Testament books of Ezra and Nehemiah provide a testimony to God’s sovereignly working through people to accomplish His redemptive purposes.

      This Navigator Bible guide contains studies on both books. Learn about faithfulness, right worship, and the need to patiently endure in the face of difficulty in Ezra. Nehemiah continues the story with an inspiring account of returning to faithfulness and doing God’s work no matter what.

      * 8 sessions
      * Personal study between meetings
      * Includes study aids and discussion questions

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    • Daniel : A Life Changing Encounter With God’s Word


      How do we hold on to godliness when the world we live in is so secularized? In the newest addition to the popular LifeChanges series, readers discover the amazing relevance of the book of Daniel and how to live with influence in a secular culture and trust in God’s sovereignty when the world seems to have gone mad? Includes twelve lessons, background information on Daniel, resource recommendations, and a “How to Use This Study” section.

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    • Growing In Christ Series (Student/Study Guide)


      Growing in Christ is designed to help you master the fundamentals of the Christian life as you explore the Scriptures. Growing in Christ has two parts:

      Lessons on Assurance– Basic Bible studies on five beginning principles for following Christ, plus five corresponding Scripture memory verses entitled Beginning with Christ.

      Lessons on Christian Living– Bible studies on eight more principles for Christian growth, plus eight Scripture memory verses entitled Going On with Christ.

      For use in groups or individually, Growing in Christ can help you establish a firm, scriptural foundation for your life as you develop habits of Bible study and Scripture memory.

      You will study these topics:
      Assurance of salvation -Answered prayer -Victory over sin -Forgiveness -Guidance -Putting Christ first in your life -Relying on the Lord’s strength -The importance of the Bible -Giving -The church -Good works -Witnessing

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    • Character Of A Follower Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      Understand and put into action the internal qualities and values that should drive your life as a disciple of Christ, including living with genuine love, purity, integrity, and godliness.

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    • Walking With Christ (Student/Study Guide)


      Learn five vital aspects to living as a strong and mature disciple of Christ, focusing on your maturity in Christ, the lordship of Christ, the promises of God, discerning God’s will, and living as God’s servant.

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    • Spirit Filled Follower Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      Grasp what it means to be filled by the Spirit so that obedience, Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and witnessing become natural, meaningful aspects of your life.

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    • Your Life In Christ (Student/Study Guide)


      Reveals what it means to accept God’s love, keep Christ at the center of life, and live in the power of the Spirit.

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    • James : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of James (Student


      By faith we are reborn Into the family of God. Absolutely, agrees James. But God wants more than justified infants; He wants mature daughters and sons. Faith is foundational, but it must be genuine, proven faith, evident to the world. James’s exhortation is a challenge to Christians of every age to keep growing up.

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    • Mark : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word (Student/Study Guide)


      LIFECHANGE Bible studies allow the Bible to speak for itself. You’ll see for yourself what it says–not what someone else thinks it says–and develop the skills and desire to dig even deeper into God’s Word.

      In this, probably the earliest of the four Gospels, Mark vigorously defends the claim that Jesus was the true Messiah and that His own people, the Jews, rejected Him because He came not as the glorious warrior-king they expected but as a suffering servant. The intensity of Mark’s writing and his enthusiasm for Christ’s Gospel bring us a powerful message of salvation, inspiration, and encouragement.

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    • Hebrews : Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Hebrews (Stude


      This is a study of HEBREWS a, which reigns unchallenged as the New Testament’s finest commentary on the relationship between Christ and the Old Testament. It contains a chal lenging message to live wholeheartedly for Christ in every situation. In this Bible study participants will learn historical in- sights and word definitions. Also included are discussion questions, asssignments, and a leader’s guide. Format: Workbook Audience: New Christian Number of Lessons: 19 Average Number of Questions: 18 Prep Time: Medium

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    • Acts : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Acts (Student/S


      From tiny beginnings among Jesus’ disciples, the Church exploded into a worldwide force in just a few years. How? Jesus left His followers with a mission, and the Spirit of God moved mightily through them to fulfill it. Luke’s account of how the gospel was carried
      from Jerusalem to Rome-despite every conceivable obstacle-challenges us to know and live out our mission in the world.

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    • Isaiah : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Isaiah (Stude



      His name meant “the Lord is salvation”-and this was his message for over 40 years. Through him the Lord pronounced judgment on the proud who sought to save themselves. But through him God also comforted the humble with glimpses of a Prince of Peace and a Suffering Servant … a desert blossoming… the prisoners set free … the hungry fed … and the homeless sheltered.

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    • 1 Corinthians : A Life-Changing Encounter With God’s Word (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Paul And Corinth (Overview)
      2. To The Called (1:1-9)
      3. Foolishness (1:10-2:5)
      4. True Wisdom (2:6-16)
      5. Fleshly And Spiritual Attitudes (3:1-23)
      6. Apostles Of Christ (4:1-21)
      7. Dealing With Immorality (5:1-13)
      8. More Moral Laxity (6:1-20)
      9. Marriage (7:1-40)
      10. Freedom And Rights (8:1-9:27)
      11. Freedom And Temptation (10:1 -11:1)
      12. Propriety In Worship (11:2-34)
      13. Spiritual Gifts: 1 (12:1-31)
      15. Resurrection: 1 (15:1-34)
      16. Resurrection: 2 (15:35-58)
      17. Personal Words (16:1-24 And Review)

      Additional Info
      To a proud and prosperous church, the Apostle Paul writes a stern reminder take your eyes off impressive externals, and practice purity, humility, and love. His practical instructions concerning factions, sexuality, spiritual gifts, and worship remain profoundly relevant for believers pursuing genuine spiritual maturity.

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    • Galatians : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Galat (Stu


      1. The True Gospel (Overview And 1:1-9)
      2. The Source Of Truth (1:10-24)
      3. Confirmation Of The Truth (2:1-10)
      4. Contending For The Truth (2:11-21)
      5. Living By Faith (3:1-14)
      6. The Priority Of The Promise (3:15-25)
      7. The Rights Of A Son (3:26-4:11)
      8. A Choice Of Allegiance (4:12-31)
      9. Christian Freedom (5:1-15)
      10. Living By The Spirit (5:16-26)
      11. Keeping On Track (6:1-10)
      12. Focusing On The Eternal (6:11-18 And Review)

      Additional Info
      GALATIANS is a Bible study to encourage believers through God’s Word to maintain your faith and stand firm against false teachings. Participants will learn to apply relevant scriptures to their lives and improve study skills. Also included are historical insights, word definitions, discussion questions, assignments, and a leader’s guide. Format: Workbook Audience: New Christian Number of Questions: 12 Average Number of Questions: 17 Prep Time: Medium

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    • John : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word (Student/Study Guide)


      Exactly who was Jesus? A wise teacher? A prophet? A fake? During Jesus’ lifetime, no one understood his mission, but with a few carefully chosen incidents, the Apostle John unfolds the truth. Throughout the centuries, this portrait has drawn men and women into committed belief and intimate relationships with the Son of God. It includes historical insight, word definitions, discussion questions and assignments. Leader’s guide is included in each book.

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    • Navigator Bible Studies Handbook


      Why rely on someone else’s study notes when you can unearth the Bible’s treasures on your own? This revised and updated handbook from the Navigators will equip you with indispensable skills for a lifetime of reflection on the Word. You’ll learn the principles for effective inductive study and time-tested methods like ABC Bible study, question & answer study, verse analysis, and much more. Includes reproducible forms.

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    • Knowing Jesus Christ (Student/Study Guide)


      BUILD YOUR FOUNDATION AS CHRIST’S DISCIPLE. In STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN LIVING, you’ll find help for establishing a program of personal study in God’s Word, learning and practicing the essentials of a well-rounded Christian life, and growing into a plan of Bible study you can continue on your own.

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    • Serving Others (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780891090823ISBN10: 0891090827NavigatorsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1981Studies In Christian Living # 6Publisher: NavPress

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    • Developing Your Faith (Student/Study Guide)


      BUILD YOUR FOUNDATION AS CHRIST’S DISCIPLE. Explore: Who is God? * The Holy Spirit * Know your enemy * Our conflict with sin * The return of Christ

      BUILD YOUR FOUNDATION AS CHRIST’S DISCIPLE. In STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN LIVING, you’ll find help for establishing a program of personal study in God’s Word, learning and practicing the essentials of a well-rounded Christian life, and growing into a plan of Bible study you can continue on your own.

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    • Growing As A Christian (Student/Study Guide)


      31 Pages

      Additional Info
      The Church
      What is the Bible?
      God’s word in your life
      Principles of prayer

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    • Talking With Christ (Student/Study Guide)


      30 Pages In 4 Chapters

      Additional Info

      In STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN LIVING, you’ll find help for establishing a program of personal study in God’s Word, learning and practicing the essentials of a well-rounded Christian life, and growing into a plan of Bible study you can continue on your own.

      Talking with Christ, Book Three of the Studies in Christian Living, will guide you to learn more about communion with Christ while exploring these topics:

      – The Church
      – What Is the Bible?
      – God’s Word in Your Life
      – Principles of Prayer

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    • Beginning A New Life (Student/Study Guide)


      27 Pages In 4 Chapters

      Additional Info

      In STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN LIVING, you’ll find help for establishing a program of personal study in God’s Word, learning and practicing the essentials of a well-rounded Christian life, and growing into a plan of Bible study you can continue on your own.

      Beginning a New Life, Book Two of the Studies in Christian Living, offers a study on:

      – New Life
      – The Lordship of Christ
      – The Devotional Life
      – Witnessing for Christ

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    • Lessons On Assurance (Student/Study Guide)


      LESSONS ON ASSURANCE presents short Bible studies on five basic promises God gives to Christians, assurance of salvation, answered prayer, victory over sin, forgiveness, and guidance. Each study concentrates on a Bible passage which presents one of God’s promises. As you meditate on these five passages and compare them with other Scripture, you’ll want to memorize and make them part of your life.

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