522 Dog Track Rd Longwood, FL 32750 | Mon-Thur 10am-4pm, Sat 4:15-6:30pm & Sun 8:15am-1pm | 407-949-7199





    Kevin Harney

    • Organic Prayer : Make Talking With God A Natural Part Of Every Day


      Often we view prayer as an activity reserved for a certain time, in a certain place, offered in a specific way. Scripture invites us to pray continually. This exhortation is an opportunity for prayer to permeate every aspect of our lives–when we’re alone or in a crowd, when it’s quiet and when it’s chaotic, when we feel like it and when we don’t.?

      Organic Prayer shows us how to make continuous prayer a natural part of our lives rather than something on a spiritual checklist. It helps us encounter God in new ways as we learn to:

      *open our eyes to see his presence and the world around us?
      *open our ears to hear his voice guiding us?
      *open our hearts to experience freedom and power as we pray?
      *and open our lives as we pray for and with others and shine the light of Jesus in our dark world?

      Anyone desiring a richer, more transformative prayer life will welcome this fresh take on conversing with our Creator.? Anyone hungering to share the grace and goodness of Jesus in our hurting and confused world will find practical ideas for world-changing prayer.

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    • Organic Disciples : Seven Ways To Grow Spiritually And Naturally Share Jesu


      Could sharing your faith be the secret to unlocking your spiritual growth?

      For many followers of Jesus, spiritual growth involves a series of spiritual practices that promise to deepen our connection with God and train us in the ways of Jesus. Unfortunately, these practices are often disconnected from the mission and purposes of God in reaching a lost world with the gospel message. What if the secret to unlocking spiritual growth was as simple as infusing our spiritual practices with an outward focus? What if we could learn from the example of Jesus and walk naturally in his footsteps as he leads us closer to the heart of God and the deepest needs of the world?

      In Organic Disciples, Kevin and Sherry Harney lead ordinary followers of Jesus through seven markers of spiritual maturity, showing how simple shifts in our Bible reading, prayer, community life, giving, service, and other biblical practices can connect us with God’s work of reaching people with his love. Taking a holistic approach that unites evangelism and discipleship, Kevin and Sherry explain how God’s plan for our spiritual growth is intimately connected to his mission to the world.

      True spiritual growth and maturity will always lead believers outward to engage the world with the good news and truth of Jesus. And in a surprising twist, our own spiritual growth will often remain stunted and limited until we take the step of joining God in his mission to love others. This book will help you see how Jesus modelled a lifestyle of loving others, overcome the common roadblocks and false narratives that stand in the way of spiritual maturity, and design a personal pathway of growth to be more like Jesus in character and mission.

      Along with the Organic Disciples book, churches and individuals can utilize a free, self-directed online tool to help each person identify where they are in their growth journey. In addition, there will be an eight-week sermon series and small group curriculum to take congregations and Christians deeper on this journey

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    • No Is A Beautiful Word


      If a person has extra time, nothing to do, and finds themself looking for ways to fill their empty days…this book is definitely not for them.

      No Is a Beautiful Word is designed and crafted for people whose plate is full, whose margin is thin, and whose life feels overloaded. They are looking for help, relief, and wisdom to navigate the countless options that life offers on a daily basis.

      This book is needed by people who

      -Go to bed with a “To Do” list that never seems to get totally done.
      -Kindly say, “Yes” and secretly regret it five minutes later.
      -Feel pain and live with guilt when they have to say, “No.”
      -Were taught that “No” is a dirty word.
      -Believe that saying “No” is a sign of weakness.
      -Feel trapped by unwise past commitments.
      -Want to say “Yes” to what matters most in life but are too exhausted.
      -Know that their life is out of balance and are seeking to fix it!
      It will be valuable for

      -Leaders who have a tough time making the hard decisions because they fear hurting someone’s feelings.
      -Executives who feel over extended and pressed to the edges of their capacity.
      -Parents who feel overworked and under appreciated.
      -Students who are trying to balance the intensity of school, work, and their relational world.
      -Retired people who find themselves saying, with subtle humor but aching regret, “I am more busy now than I have ever been!”
      -Single people who go to bed at night exhausted because the day left no margin and offered no oasis of peace.
      -Married people who love their life but secretly dream about time to play, space to relax, and taking a nap.
      No Is a Beautiful Word is designed to be read briskly, chewed on thoroughly, and acted on practically. The chapters are brief by intention. They range from one paragraph (that’s right, some chapters are only a few sentences long!) to four pages.

      The goal of this book is give people clear concepts, paint a picture of what it looks like to live out the idea, and then move on to the next thought. The vision is to help people learn to say “No” to the things that don’t matter (or don’t matter as much) so they can say “Yes” to the things that bring life, hope, peace, and lasting meaning.

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    • Organic Outreach For Ordinary People (Expanded)


      Fulfill One of Your Deepest LongingsEvery follower of Jesus has a sincere desire to share God’s love with others. We want to tell friends and family about who Jesus is, what he means to us, and all he has done for them. Deep in our hearts we have a burning passion to pass on the good news we have received. But, where do we start? We want to share our faith, but we don’t want it to feel awkward, uncomfortable, or unnatural for them or for us! Organic Outreach for Ordinary People will help you shape a personal approach to passing on the good news of Jesus in natural ways. This is not a system or a program. It’s a collection of biblical practices that you can incorporate into your life starting today. You can begin right where God has placed you. You can share the love and message of Jesus in a way that fits exactly how God has wired you. In this practical and easy-to-read book, Kevin Harney offers the tools needed to reach out with God’s love in organic ways. In these pages you will discover that sharing the good news of Jesus can be as natural as talking about your favorite sports team or telling a friend about a wonderful new restaurant. On the golf course, over coffee, while taking a walk – anywhere and everywhere – become a bearer of grace. Share the amazing love of God. Tell the life-changing story of Jesus. Discover ordinary ways to communicate God’s love and the message of salvation – naturally.

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    • Organic Outreach For Families


      In Organic Outreach for Families, Kevin and Sherry Harney share insights from the Scriptures and give practical advice from their own experience to help you learn how to transform your home into a lighthouse of God’s amazing grace.

      The Harneys discuss five ways you can naturally share your faith with others: Reaching your own children with the message of Jesus Sharing God’s grace with your extended family Raising your children to be beacons of light in their schools and in the neighborhood Opening the doors of your home to make it attractive and welcoming Shining the light of grace into your broader community The Harneys balance a concern for developing your home into a safe, secure environment with the biblical mandate for believers to be salt and light in the world. Pastors and parents will discover creative ways families can become a natural and winsome presence in their schools, through community activities, and as a witness in their neighborhoods.

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    • Leadership From The Inside Out


      The appalling number of church leaders who have fallen in recent years shows the critical need to maintain integrity in all areas of your own life as a leader. Kevin Harney shows you the power living an examined life: why and how to do it, how to fix what’s ailing, and how to ensure the ongoing rewards of inner health.

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