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Kelly Ayris

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  • Prophets 5


    Comic book compilation of the minor prophets Zechariah, Malachi and the time period in world history between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

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  • Prophets 1


    The Prophets 1 covers the major prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, both who were called to prophesy to the nation of Judah. Judah was threatened by both Assyria and Egypt; Isaiah proclaimed to Judah a message of repentance from sin and hopeful expectation of God’s deliverance in the future. Jeremiah contains the final prophecies to Judah, warning of oncoming destruction if the nation does not repent. As a result of Judah’s continued and unrepentant idolatry, God allowed the Babylonians to destroy both the city of Jerusalem Solomon’s Temple. The Book of Lamentations is a lament for what occurred to Judah and Jerusalem.

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  • Prophets 3


    Through an invasion of locusts, the prophet Joel speaks to the people of Judah. Amos is a simple shepherd and fruit picker who brings a message of impending doom and captivity for the nation of Israel because of her sins. Obadiah is a prophet of God who condemn Edom for the sin of pride against both God and Israel. Micah announces judgment upon Israel for social evils, corrupt leadership and idolatry but also tells what God will do when He restores the nation.

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  • Prophets 2


    The Book of Ezekiel was written during the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. He sought to bring his fellow Jews to repentance and to give them hope for the future. Ezekiel sought to remind the Jews that God was sovereign even in defeat and despair and they must obey to receive God’s blessings. Through the illustration of a wayward wife, the prophet Hosea reminded Israel that His love for Israel is long-suffering and unwavering.

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  • David The King


    After his great triumph over the Philistine giant, Saul brings David into his house and into his service. The people find a national hero in David but as the people praise him it inspires jealousy in King Saul. David marries one of the king’s daughters but still finds himself an object of King Saul’s temper and jealousy outbursts. David begins to gather a ragtag army around him and this group of adventurers follows him as he flees from place to place from the clutches of Kings Saul.

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  • Revelation Volume 2 Tribulation


    While on earth, Jesus Christ foretold a time that would be like the “birth pangs” of a woman. Cataclysmic events begin happening where sin seems to run amok but God continues to direct people to His salvation through Jesus Christ in the midst of this great Tribulation.

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  • Revelation Volume 1 The Vision


    While exiled to the island of Patmos, the Apostle John is given a revelation of end time world events.

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  • Acts Volume 4 The Martyr


    Paul is arrested in Jerusalem under charges of sedition and made to appear before Roman judges. Though they can find no fault in him, Paul is sent to Rome because he has appealed to the higher authority. On the way he is shipwrecked on the island of Malta, where he is bitten by a snake but survives.

    In his first Roman imprisonment, Paul is under house arrest, and able to see people, but after Nero comes to the throne, Paul is arrested again and beheaded. Paul’s life of service and sacrifice, like that of Jesus, is a powerful message that continues to influence individuals around the world.

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  • Acts Volume 3 The Apostle


    The Apostle Paul travels all over the Roman Empire to make Christ known to both Jews and Gentiles. He is stoned and he is beaten but he continues. After seeing a man in a dream asking for help, he and his team go to Macedonia to make the gospel known in Corinth and the surrounding areas. After casting a demon out of a slave girl, he and his partner Silas are beaten and thrown into jail, only to be delivered by a great earthquake. In spite of difficulty after difficulty, Paul continues to spread the gospel throughout the known world.

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  • Acts Volume 2 The Misssionary


    The great story of the building of the early church continues. False witnesses and testimony result in Stephen being stoned to death and becoming the first martyr of the church, with Saul standing there approving of his death. As persecution breaks out and the disciples are spread out Philip encounters an Ethiopian who is seeking God and baptizes him. But God is not finished with Saul who encounters the risen Christ on the road to Damascus and loses his eyesight. Saul, the hater of the church is converted and becomes a missionary for Jesus. Peter is shown by the Lord through a vision of animals that the gospel is for Gentiles as well as Jews.

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  • Acts Volume 1 The Awakening


    Jesus Christ ascends into Heaven, having instructed his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Peter and others begin preaching the resurrection to great effect and great persecution, and thousands believe. Peter heals a crippled person and is brought before the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ruling council.) After being jailed, an angel of God releases the disciples so they can continue to proclaim the Good News. The deacon Stephen is also arrested, and brought before the Sanhedrin under false charges, leading to the first biblical appearance of the man who will become Paul.

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  • Fall


    Through His prophets, God sent many warnings of what would happen to His chosen people if they neglected His law and His many warnings. Though there were periodic revivals under God-fearing kings such as Asa, Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah, many of the kings of both Israel and Judah abandoned the worship of Yahweh and chose to follow the false gods of the nation around them and of the lands they conquered. As a result, God allowed the Assyrians and the Babylonians to conquer the people of Israel.

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  • Elijah


    After the prophet Elijah leaves in a fiery chariot, his appointed prophet successor Elisha comes to the forefront of spiritual service to the nation of Israel. Like Elijah, his ministry is marked with great miracles. Ax-heads float, people are healed, mockers are hunted down by bears and many other events mark the ministry of Elisha. God also reveals future political leaders to Elisha and the damage they will do to the nation of Israel.

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