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Gina Smith

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  • Oraciones Diarias Para Encontr – (Spanish)


    Que es el gozo? Podemos recibir momentos fugaces cuando vemos la luz del sol atravesar las nubes, o ver a un nio pequeo reir mientras sopla la pelusa de un diente de leon gastado. Pero solo hay una fuente de gozo verdadero y duradero, y ese es nuestro Salvador, Jesus.

    Durante una temporada de incognitas, Dios abrio Su Palabra a la autora Gina L. Smith y le enseo Su definicion de gozo para que pudiera experimentarlo en lo profundo de su corazon. El la ayudo a darse cuenta de que habia estado encontrando gozo en Sus bendiciones, en lugar de en El, la fuente de esas bendiciones. Y aprendio a “tenerlo por sumo gozo” (Santiago 1:2) pase lo que pase.

    Oraciones diarias para encontrar el gozo es un viaje de treinta dias a traves de la Palabra de Dios que te ayudara a descubrir el gozo que Dios quiere compartir contigo. El esta contigo siempre y puede resolver todas las cosas para bien. !Llenate hasta rebosar del gozo de Dios!

    What is joy? We can receive fleeting moments of it when we watch sunlight break through the clouds, or see a little child laugh as he blows apart the fluff of a spent dandelion. But there is only one source of true, lasting joy, and that’s our Savior, Jesus.

    During a season of unknowns, God opened His Word to author Gina L. Smith and taught her His definition of joy so that she could experience it deep in her heart. He helped her realize that she had been finding joy in His blessings, rather than in Him, the source of those blessings. And she learned how to “count it all joy” (James 1:2) come what may.

    Everyday Prayers for Joy is a thirty-day journey through God’s Word that will help you discover the joy that God wants to share with you. He is with you always and can work out all things for good. Fill yourself to overflowing with God’s joy!

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  • Everyday Prayers For Joy


    Jesus promises us that the world will give us trials and tribulations, but our hearts should not be troubled. James urges us to “count it all joy…when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” In Everyday Prayers for Joy, author Gina L. Smith shares the life-changing lesson she learned to lament in prayer in order to find joy during hard times and changing circumstances. When she found herself in a difficult season and cried out to God, “He opened my eyes to the fact that often I find joy in the blessings He has provided for me more than I find joy in Him, the provider of the blessings. I needed to begin the process of learning what it meant to find joy in Christ alone.” Biblical joy, Gina explains, “is something that exists even when we are suffering or going through a heavy trial because it’s based on the knowledge that God is present, walking with us in our trials, and is producing good fruit in us as we go through them.” In this thirty-day devotional, Gina offers powerful prayers of lament to move past our problems and focus on the source of all love and goodness. “The prayer of lament is the prayer for a suffering soul,” she says. “It is our fight with our soul to remember there is a future….God gave us the prayers of lament to help us process the suffering we face in this life. When we don’t use or understand them, we’re actually missing out on the experience of going to the One who loves us most and can actually heal our hearts and help us to get to the point where our gaze breaks through to eternity. Lamenting is the way we come to God when life is overwhelming.” Each daily entry includes something to think about, space for journaling thoughts, prayer, and praise, and questions for deeper reflection.

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