522 Dog Track Rd Longwood, FL 32750 | Mon-Thur 10am-4pm, Sat 4:15-6:30pm & Sun 8:15am-1pm | 407-949-7199




    Ed Stetzer

    • Comeback Churches : How 300 Churches Turned Around And Yours Can, Too


      Research shows that over time, most churches plateau and then eventually decline. Typically, they start strong and experience periods of growth, then stagnate and lose members. Since 1991, the North American population has increased by 15 percent while the number of “unchurched” people has increased by 92 percent. Large church houses that were filled in the 1950s and `60s now hold a fraction of their capacity.

      To counter this trend, authors Ed Stetzer and Mike Dodson surveyed 300 churches from across ten different denominations that recently achieved healthy evangelistic growth after a significant season of decline. What they have discovered is an exciting method of congregation reinvigoration that is shared in the new book entitled Comeback Churches.

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    • Christians In The Age Of Outrage


      Are you tired of reading another news story about Christians acting their worst?

      Today there are too many examples of those claiming to follow Christ being caustic, divisive, and irrational, contributing to dismissals of the Christian faith as hypocritical, self-interested, and politically co-opted. What has happened in our society? It seems one short outrageous video or pithy post can trigger an avalanche of comments on social media.

      Welcome to the new age of outrage.

      In this groundbreaking look at our current cultural moment, social commentator and popular speaker Ed Stetzer describes the contours of the new age of outrage-and a new way forward for Christians. It is clear that our knee-jerk reactions-withdrawing, becoming defensive, or going on the offensive-are feeding the headlines and not serving the cause of Christ well.

      In Christians in the Age of Outrage, you will discover a comprehensive road map to avoid the attractive dead ends our society presents to Christians. You won’t want to miss Ed’s insightful analysis of our chaotic age, his commonsensical understanding of the cultural currents, and his compelling challenge to Christians to live in a refreshingly different way.

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