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Carol McLeod

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  • Let There Be Joy (Revised)


    Let There Be Joy! is a 31-day Christmas devotional that will enable the reader to navigate the busy-ness, the joy and the meaning that solely belongs to this miraculous season.

    Newly revised and updated with new devotional study guides, each day of this December journey presents either a true story that reflects the richness of the Christmas season or teaches a riveting lesson from the treasury of Christmas scriptures.

    Some days the reader will laugh…other days the reader will weep…and hopefully, every day of this Yuletide devotional, the reader will be challenged to embrace the eternal message and meaning of the season that causes the world to stop in awestruck wonder.

    In addition to the daily devotional readings, each day also presents Bible reading suggestions as well as the opportunity for practical and personal application.

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  • At Home In Your Heart


    Where do you live-truly live? You may have a street address. You may think of your childhood home. But your real home, this side of heaven, is your heart. Your heart is home to your soul and your emotions as well as your thought life. Your attitudes, habits, and dreams are found there.At Home in Your Heart: Inviting Christ into Every Room is written for women of all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life. Each day in this ninety-day devotional by Carol Burton McLeod includes an essay on the thought for the day, a heart inspection, prayer, and words from Scripture. Topics include: Is Anybody Home?; A Knock at the Door; Fingerprints; My Heart, His Home!; A Lavish Banquet of Love; Dust Bunnies; A Magnifying Glass; Leave the Light On; and many more, all offered with Carol’s characteristic humor, love, and affection. If you are a Christian, Jesus lives in your heart with you, no matter what condition it’s in. If there are problems, however, He wants to clean until His hands bleed. Carol invites you to walk through the rooms of your heart to identify the issues that Christ is shining His light on. “Jesus wants to paint your heart the color of white snow,” she says. “He will gently move around priorities, set things out for the trash man, and replace every outdated attitude with His unconditional love and inexpressible joy. He can take a home that has been literally demolished by the storms of life and rebuild it into a palace fit for a king.”

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  • Rooms Of A Mothers Heart


    For thousands of years and in a myriad of cultures, women have forged identity, unconditional love, and vast purpose in the calling of motherhood. From Eve to Sarah, from Ruth to Mary, the Scriptures are filled with the accounts of the heart of a mother who was given a divine opportunity to raise the next generation for the purposes and call of the Father.

    Inside the soul of every mother lies a heart that becomes a repository of sweet memories, hard lessons, glorious victories, ordinary days, glaring failures, and God’s grace over the years of mothering. The heart of a mother becomes home to jokes around the dinner table, holiday traditions, the tears of childhood, and the love that only a mother knows. And this tender heart that has given birth to the future of mankind or has lovingly adopted the seeds of the next generation also develops rooms of unsurpassed greatness and quiet strength. These are the Rooms of a Mother’s Heart.

    With her characteristic charm, joy, and biblical teaching that she shares like a good friend over a cup of coffee, Carol McLeod examines what it means to be a mother and offers tender encouragement to all women who accept that calling.

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  • Vibrant : Developing A Deep And Abiding Joy For All Seasons (Audio CD)


    Have you ever met someone who possessed a quiet radiance so rich, so dynamic, that you ached for more, someone whose presence is so compelling you feel refreshed by a single conversation with them? If you know someone like this, you anticipate your times together. You realize their joy is contagious, their peace is deep, and their compassion is engaging.

    Such people are “vibrant.” Regardless of their socioeconomic status, their education, their marital status, or their health, these people are determined to live joyfully, seeing each obstacle as an opportunity for growth. The vibrant individual’s persona is attached to their convictions rather than their circumstances.

    Author Carol Burton McLeod believes everyone can choose to be Vibrant: Developing a Deep and Abiding Joy for All Seasons-and such a life begins by emulating Jesus. His life was filled with challenges and yet people were drawn to Him. Every character trait that we are called to embrace, every action of kindness or love, and each word of compassion or tenderness is a telling reflection of Christ within us. We are called to be a vibrant show-and-tell of what God is able to accomplish through one ordinary person.

    Carol explores what it means to follow Jesus in a world filled with disappointment, rejection, and discouragement. And she provides gentle encouragement and suggestions from Scripture to help us do just that.

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  • Vibrant : Developing A Deep And Abiding Joy For All Seasons


    Have you ever met someone who possessed a quiet radiance so rich, so dynamic, that you ached for more, someone whose presence is so compelling you feel refreshed by a single conversation with them? If you know someone like this, you anticipate your times together. You realize their joy is contagious, their peace is deep, and their compassion is engaging.

    Such people are “vibrant.” Regardless of their socioeconomic status, their education, their marital status, or their health, these people are determined to live joyfully, seeing each obstacle as an opportunity for growth. The vibrant individual’s persona is attached to their convictions rather than their circumstances.

    Author Carol Burton McLeod believes everyone can choose to be Vibrant: Developing a Deep and Abiding Joy for All Seasons-and such a life begins by emulating Jesus. His life was filled with challenges and yet people were drawn to Him. Every character trait that we are called to embrace, every action of kindness or love, and each word of compassion or tenderness is a telling reflection of Christ within us. We are called to be a vibrant show-and-tell of what God is able to accomplish through one ordinary person.

    Carol explores what it means to follow Jesus in a world filled with disappointment, rejection, and discouragement. And she provides gentle encouragement and suggestions from Scripture to help us do just that.

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  • Significant : Becoming A Woman Of Unique Purpose, True Identity And Irrepre


    In the midst of our busy, stressful lives and the increasingly chaotic state of our world, we can lose sight of-or never really discover-our personal significance. We desire meaning and fulfillment but battle the stress and loneliness that often push their way into the forefront of life.

    What makes you significant as an individual? As a woman? As a wife, mother, daughter, or friend? No matter what your age or current course in life, you can come to know your remarkable significance and eternal value. As you thirst for relief from stress and loneliness, you can build a foundation on what is divine and eternal, while also immensely practical for this life on earth. The truths God says about you as a woman are powerful and glorious!

    In Significant, you will discover that you are the steward of your own self and will be challenged to embrace every season of your life. What is God calling you to do through the power of His Holy Spirit? The days of cowering in fear, hiding behind insignificance, and wallowing in lack of opportunities are over. God is blowing doors wide open for women as never before. It is time for women to march forward in grand anticipation of all that God can do through even one woman submitted to the call of God and filled with His Spirit.

    So often we look for identity, purpose, and comfort in all the wrong places. We have sought lasting meaning from temporary fixes, immature voices, and cultural Band-Aids. This book is a call to women who possess a relentless desire to discover their unique purpose, to embrace their true identity, and to be comforted by irrepressible hope.

    Significant reminds women from every generation that identity, confidence, and purpose come from who God is-not from how we feel at any given time. How wonderful to know that we are allowed to be both God’s masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time!

    You never know your true self until you know yourself in God.

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  • StormProof : Weathering Life’s Tough Times


    Go “storm chasing” through the pages of the greatest Book ever written! What storm has blown into your circumstances? Are you–or someone you love–suffering from the trauma of plans that have been washed away, relationships that have been uprooted, or security that has been devastated? Many believers have been known to ask, “God, where are You in this storm?” or, “Lord, did You send this storm into my life?” Just what does a believer do during a stormy season? StormProof: Weathering Life’s Tough Times tackles these and other tumultuous questions.

    Author Carol McLeod is a storm survivor–more than that, a victor–over infertility, depression, and cancer. She understands the spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges of the trials we face in our lives. A gifted Bible teacher, she provides “life preservers” of hope and faith through the eternal, practical wisdom found only in God’s Word.

    By examining key storms in the Bible, and the lives of those affected by them , Carol guides you to uncommon comfort for your own storms, offering the shelter of hope, joy, and faith. In StormProof, you will step out of the boat to walk the waves with Peter, knowing that Jesus always comes to be with you in the midst of your storms; you will be rocked aboard a wind-driven ship with the apostle Paul, in danger of being smashed against the rocks, but be preserved by God’s power; you will watch the gathering storm clouds with Noah, holding on to faith in God’s purposes. You will also experience Jonah’s self-inflicted tempest while affirming God’s unconditional love, sit in silence with Job and ponder his questions about the greatest storm of testing, and huddle with the disciples as their boat is swamped by surging waves–only to hear Jesus’s eternal words, “Peace, be still.” You will also hear about storms of harsh circumstances that others from recent history have encountered and overcome.

    Storms are common in every season of life. Yet, for a believer in Christ, the damage such storms cause can be contained, depending on how we navigate their tumultuous waves. There is a way–a triumphant way–to encounter the fierce gales of life and then exit the tempests with strength and resilience. There is a definitive way to walk through the most devastating of circumstantial tornadoes and emerge with grace, empowered for the future. There is a way to be StormProof.

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  • Pass The Joy Please


    There is a joy inexpressible and uncontainable that is delivered to a woman’s heart when she delivers a baby to the world! When an ordinary woman gazes into the eyes of her baby, joy is real and recognizable; love is unconditional and bottomless.

    However, sometimes that delicious joy is lost amidst sleepless nights, potty-training, strong-willed two year olds and never-ending mountains of laundry! When a weary mother is facing yet another day of tantrums, sibling rivalry, last week’s dishes in the sink and a house filled with unmade the beds, the joy of motherhood is often no where to be found.

    Carol McLeod is the mother of five and the “Marmee” to currently seven precocious and precious little people. When it comes to the days of being overwhelmed with the demands of children, she “gets” it. Carol understands the desire to be the world’s greatest mom and yet falling on your face … day after day after day.

    Carol is a mom who deeply cares about the next generation of women who are raising their children to make a difference in the world. She has written this devotional from the wealth of years of motherhood and from a heart that knows the true source of joy.

    If you have forgotten how to giggle or sing with your children … then this book is for you!
    If you have lost yourself in the quagmire of whining children … then this book is for you!
    If you have screamed at your children this week for no reason other than they were acting like children … then this book is for you!

    If you long to wring the joy out of motherhood … then this book is for you!

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  • Let There Be Joy A Christmas Devotional


    “Let There Be Joy!” is a 25-day Christmas devotional that will enable the reader to navigate the busy-ness, the joy and the meaning that solely belongs to this miraculous season. Each day of this December journey presents either a true story that reflects the richness of the Christmas season or teaches a riveting lesson from the treasury of Christmas scriptures.
    Some days the reader will laugh…other days the reader will weep…and hopefully, every day of this Yuletide devotional, the reader will be challenged to embrace the eternal message and meaning of the season that causes the world to stop in awestruck wonder.
    In addition to the daily devotional readings, each day also presents Bible reading suggestions as well as the opportunity for practical and personal application.

    “Let There Be Joy!” is created to gently pry the reader’s heart away from its focus upon the Western 21st. Century materialistic display of dancing elves, calorie-laden fruitcake and year-long debt rationalized by self-fulfilling giving. This devotional is a heart-stopping reminder of the deepest and most eternal meaning of the season. It embraces the sincere manner in which God intended the recipients of His most precious gift to celebrate in all epochs to follow.

    It is my desire that this book will not only present the loveliness of Christmas through the written-word but that the illustrations of the book will also visually present the singular and breath-taking beauty of Christmas. “Let There Be Joy!” has been written to envelope the reader in the glory and in the joy of the season when the world pauses to celebrate greatest the gift that has been given.

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  • Joy For All Seaons


    Imagine reading a book that is so much more than written words on a page but, instead, it is an invitation to experience exuberant joy! Simply imagine the sweet hope that comes from reading about the patience, the gladness and the excitement that is nestled within one woman’s heart. Imagine!

    You have just imagined the devotional book entitled, “Joy for All Seasons” written by best-selling author, blogger, speaker, radio host, TV host and Bible teacher, Carol McLeod. Carol’s perspective on life serves as an invitation to live life with gusto and at full-throttle! Her capacity for joy and her resolve to trumpet the bidding to embrace joy in every week of the year is not for the faint of heart. This weekly summons into His presence is filled with rich experiences, with heart-felt celebration and with an intimate knowledge of what it takes to walk with God.

    “Joy for All Seasons” is a weekly devotional that includes Bible verses to consider and questions to ponder. It is perfect for a personal devotional handbook or for group discussion. This is a “once-in-a-lifetime” book that will be read and re-read year after year after year.

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  • No More Ordinary


    What is the abundant life? Carol McLeod partners with the Word of God and the lives of victorious believers to show the reader how to obtain and maintain a life that is a rare and priceless treasure. Such a life is contagious in that it causes others to want it. Each chapter of this thrilling book explains how to tackle life with zest in spite of the circumstances. Each chapter also presents the life stories of people like Corrie ten Boon, Robert LeTourneau, Ruth Bell Graham, Hank and Betty Stam, Susannah Wesley, and many others. Life with a capital L begins the moment that you make the decision to enter into a partnership with the Man whose very identity is known as Life himself!” Within each chapter the reader will find a practical approach to living the abundant life. Filled with applicable prayers,Scriptures to memorize, declarations to make, and daily disciplines to incorporated into one’s life, No More Ordinary provides the answers to life that everyone is looking for. This book is a no-compromise, not-to-get-there-from-here manual that will remove the reader from the humdrum into a realm of life that is abundant and full of joy.

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