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Ben Avery

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  • Isaac And Jacob


    Isaac was the second of the patriarchs of Israel, the only son of Abraham and Sarah, as well as the father of Esau and Jacob. In the Old and New Testaments, God is called the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, because with them God’s relationship of promise and purpose was fixed for all those who descended from them. Jacob, also called Israel, was a Hebrew patriarch as the grandson of Abraham, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, and also viewed as the traditional ancestor of the people of Israel as he fathered twelve sons, the twelve tribes of Israel.

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  • Abraham : The Patriarchs


    Abraham is the first of the Hebrew patriarchs and a figure revered by the three great monotheistic religions-Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. According to the Bible, Abraham left the idol worshipping region of Mesopotamia, to establish a new nation in an undesignated land that he later learned was Canaan. He is identified as the father of faith through unquestionably obeying even the most difficult commands of God, including offering up his own son. Abraham received repeated promises and a covenant that his “seed” would inherit the land.

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  • Christ Volume 12


    Passion Week 3 – As Jesus is left to die on the cross, he offers eternal life to a thief on the cross beside him and asks the disciple John to take care of his mother. Judas Iscariot hangs himself. An angel visits the tomb where Christ is buried and rolls away the stone. Mary sees the risen Christ, as do the disciples. Christ reinstates Peter, tells his disciples to go throughout the world with the good news of salvation through Christ and ascends to Heaven from where he promises he will return again.

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  • Christ Volume 10


    Passion Week 1 – Jesus curses the fig tree, gives the parable of the fig tree, turns the tables of the money changers, speaks with Nicodemus, gives the parable of the vineyard, describes his return, praises the widow’s mite and gives the parable of the sheep and the goats. Addendum: “THE BETRAYER”

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  • Christ Volume 9


    “THE TEACHER” Jesus teaches on divorce and marriage, blesses the children, addresses a rich young ruler, talks about who is the greatest, heals Bartimaeus, eats with Zaccheus and enters Jerusalem. Addendum: “UNSEEN

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  • Christ Volume 8


    “THE SON OF MAN” The cursing of the fig tree, healing on the Sabbath, the Prodigal Son, the Rich Man and Lazarus, healing of a leper, the return of the Son of Man and the raising of Lazarus. Addendum: “Come Forth”

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  • Christ Volume 7


    “THE REDEEMER” The disciples argue about who is the greatest, Jesus heals a blind man, teaches about prayer and saves a woman caught in adultery. Special addendum “The Trial,” on the healing of the man born blind.

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  • Christ Volume 6


    “THE HEALER” Jesus Christ raises to life a twelve-year old girl who has died, heals the blind, feeds 5000 people, and then shows his authority over the elements as he walks on water. He goes to a mountain and is transfigured before Peter, James and Jon and when he comes down from the mountain, he casts out a demon his disciples could not cast out. Special addendum on the healing of the woman with an issue of blood, “Unclean.”

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  • Christ Volume 5


    “THE DELIVERER” Jesus teaches the Beatitudes in the sermon on the mount. He continues to show he is God as he raises the dead son of a widow at Nain, forgives a sinful woman of her sin and casts demons out of a woman. After casting out demons he is accused by the religious leaders of doing it by the power of Satan. Jesus also calms a storm and after he delivers a man from demonic possession he sends the demons into herd of swine. Special section on King Herod the Tetrarch and john the Baptist.

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  • Peter


    SKU (ISBN): 9781613281451ISBN10: 1613281455Ben AveryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2014Kingstone ComicsPublisher: Kingstone Media Group

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  • Noah


    Genesis chapter 6 tells of a time of widespread violence and immorality in early human history. God was grieved that He had made man upon the earth. But one man was considered righteous in God’s sight. Noah obeyed God and built an ark as he preached righteousness to those around him. The biblical and reliable story of Noah and the great flood. Also, the Biblical telling of the creation of the multitude of languages.

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  • Job


    Though the author of Job is not named or known, the book is reputed to be the oldest stories of the Bible. The book of Job also deals with one of the oldest problems of the human race, that of pain and suffering. In this unusual book the Bible pulls back the spiritual curtain and gives us a rare glimpse into the other-world interactions taking place in the heavenly realms. When Satan makes an appearance before God Almighty to request a shot at one of His most faithful servants, it begins a chain of reactions that will culminate in a appearance by the Lord Himself and a direct conversation between God and Job. Masterfully illustrated by Jeff Slemons.

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  • Christ Volume 4


    “THE DISCIPLES” Jesus begins to call twelve disciples to follow him. Jesus preaches in a synagogue, and when he claims the Scripture has been fulfilled in their presence, they try to throw him over a cliff. Jesus shows his power by healing Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever, and casting demons out of a man. When a paralytic’s friends lower him through a roof, Jesus heals the man and also shows he has the power to forgive sins. Includes a special addendum first person narrative “The Fisherman’s Wife.”

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  • Esther


    A beautiful young woman named Esther is forced from her home into the hands of a powerful King. You will be transported back to the ancient Persian Empire where an assassination is in the making. Queen Esther’s secret holds the key to save her nation. Will she have the courage to reveal her secret to the king?

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  • Christ Volume 2


    “THE DELIVERER” The family of Jesus receives a visit from the three wise men from the east. After being warned in a dream, Joseph moves his family to Egypt. After Herod dies Joseph moves his family to the city of Nazareth. When Jesus is twelve the family visits Jerusalem but finds out that Jesus is an unusual child when he talks with the religious teachers. Special addendum section on the prophetess Anna.

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  • Christ Volume 1


    “THE INCARNATION” The coming to earth of God in human form is, without compare, one of the most incredible and far reaching stories of all time. In Volume 1 of The Christ comic Ben Avery relates this narrative from the book of the Gospel of Luke. Also, included in this comic is a special 8-page section on the wise men called “The Kingmakers.”

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