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  • Saint John Chrysostom Tiny Saints


    John s name (Chrysostom) means golden-mouthed, noting his gift as a teacher and public speaker. He gained a popular following by preaching scripture in ways the average person could understand.

    Feast Day: September 13

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  • Servant Of God Mary Lange Tiny Saints


    In 1829, Mother Mary Lang founded the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first religious order for women of color in the America. The sisters served in schools, orphanages, and hospitals. They even designed and made religious vestments.

    Patronage: African Americans

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  • Servant Of God Father Vincent Capodanno Tiny Saints


    On September 4, 1967 military Chaplain Vincent Capodanno was killed in action while caring for his men in Vietnam. He was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1969. The USS Capodanno was launched in 1972, bearing the motto: Duty with Honor. As a Servant of God, the Church is invited to pray for Father Capodanno’s cause for canonization.

    Patronage: military, chaplains

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  • Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne Tiny Saints


    After joining the Society of the Sacred Heart in France, Rose was sent to the Missouri frontier. She built schools for girls and, in her later years, served Native Americans throughout the region.

    Feast Day: November 18

    Patronage: Native Americans, education, children

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  • Saint Drogo Tiny Saints


    After years of shepherding, Drogo moved into a small cell attached to a Church. He lived the rest of his life happily there, using one window to receive guests and food and another to participate in daily Mass.

    Feast Day: April 16

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  • Saint Jerome Tiny Saints


    Jerome was a brilliant man who consolidated the Bible into one Latin publication. He was also known for his fierce temper and flare for sarcasm when it came to defending the Faith, proving that even the saints had things they were working on.

    Feast Day: September 30

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  • Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Tiny Saints


    The legacy of Madeleine Sophie Barat can be found in the more than 100 schools operated by her Society of the Sacred Heart, institutions known for the quality of the education made available to the young.

    Feast Day: May 25

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  • Venerable Pierre Toussaint Tiny Saints


    Pierre Toussaint was moved from Haiti to New York as a slave and eventually took on work as a hairdresser. He was admired for his selfless service to New York s poor, sick and orphaned.

    Patronage: barbers, hairdressers

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  • Servant Of God Julia Greeley Tiny Saints


    After her emancipation from slavery, Julia Greeley became Denver s Angel of Charity. She helped families in need, towing her red wagon filled with coal, clothing, and groceries.

    Patronage: African Americans, slavery

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  • Servant Of God Nicholas Black Elk Tiny Saints


    Nicholas Black Elk was a relative of Crazy Horse, witnessed the Battle of Little Bighorn, and performed for the Queen of England in Buffalo Bill s traveling show. But above all, he was a Christian who honored the spirituality and traditions of his ancestors.

    Patronage: Native Americans, interfaith dialogue

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  • J R R Tolkien Tiny Saints


    J.R.R. Tolkien was an English author, professor and master of languages who is known as the father of high fantasy literature. He is most famous for writing The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. His Catholic faith influenced everything in his life. Tolkien described The Lord of the Rings as a fundamentally religious and Catholic work. Throughout his life, Tolkien made it a priority to attend daily Mass.

    The Grassroots edition charms highlight the stories of Catholic people whose stories have left an impression on the people they reach. These individuals are not on the official path to sainthood, which is why their charms do not say “Pray for us” like most Tiny Saints products.

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  • Saint Julie Billiart Tiny Saints


    Although homebound for many years of her life, Julie Billiart offered spiritual counsel to many and even co-founded the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She once said, “Be like the sunflower that follows every movement of the sun, and keep your eyes always turned towards our good God.”

    Feast Day: April 8

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  • Mary Mystical Rose Tiny Saints


    Invoked under the title Mystical Rose Mary has been honored for centuries as a woman of singular and royal inner beauty much like a rose. Sometimes called the Queen of the Flowers the rose s many-layered petals both shroud its inner mystery and release a sweet fragrance even when surrounded by thorns. The tradition of May Crownings often expresses this devotional honor.

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  • Saint Charbel Makhlouf Tiny Saints


    Charbel Makhlouf, a Maronite monk and priest, was renowned for his deep spirituality and asceticism. Canonized for miraculous healings, he remains a symbol of faith and devotion.

    Feast Day: July 24

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  • Saint Denis Of Paris Tiny Saints


    Denis was the first Bishop of Paris, renowned for his fearless preaching in the face of Roman persecution. In fact, they say that Denis kept preaching – even after he was beheaded!

    Feast Day: October 9

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  • Saint Helena


    Born around 247 AD, Helena was the wife of the Roman Emperor. When her son, Constantine, received a miraculous vision before a battle, Helena converted and became a devout Christian. She traveled to the Holy Land to find Christ s cross, which had been lost. Three crosses were discovered, so Helena asked a dying woman to touch each one. The woman was miraculously healed after touching the true cross.

    Feast Day: August 18

    Patronage: New Discoveries

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  • Our Lady Of Guadalupe Patroness Of The Unborn Tiny Saints


    Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the New Evangelization and the Unborn, symbolizes the profound connection between protecting and celebrating life and spreading the Gospel in innovative ways.

    ?Feast Day: December 12

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  • Venerable Jerome Lejeune Tiny Saints


    Professor J r me Lejeune discovered the the genetic basis of Down Syndrome in 1959 and dedicated his life to serving people with special needs. Today, his foundation continues to advocate for the intrinsic value of every human life.

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  • Saint Charles Borromeo Tiny Saints


    Charles Borromeo was made a cardinal in 1559 by his uncle, Pope Pius IV. While the Church was suffering the effects of the Protestant reformation, Charles did his best to bring about internal reform. He prayed, helped organize the Council of Trent, made the Archdiocese of Milan a place of conversion and virtue, and sacrificed his personal wealth to care for the poor and sick.

    Feast Day: November 4

    Patronage: Bishops, Cardinals, Catechists, Catechumens, Seminarians

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  • Blessed Chiara Luce Badano Tiny Saints


    Born in 1971, Chiara was a thoughtful, vibrant, and popular Italian girl. She loved spending time with her friends, coffee, music, dancing, tennis, hiking and swimming. At age 17, Chiara was diagnosed with bone cancer. Before she died in 1990, Chiara told her mother, “Oh Mama, young people, they are the future. You see, I can’t run anymore, but how I would like to pass on to them the torch, like in the Olympics! Young people have only one life and it’s worthwhile to spend it well.”

    Feast Day: October 29

    Patronage: Childhood Cancer Young Girls

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  • Our Lady Of The Little Beasts Tiny Saints


    In 2020, Shining Light Dolls founder, Chantal Baros, was inspired to create a new and vibrant depiction of Mary after reading an excerpt from The Glories of Mary. According to the book, Mary “appeared to Saint Gertrude covered with a mantle, under which, as if in a place of refuge, were a troop of ferocious beasts, as lions, tigers, bears, and leopards. She was so far from driving them away that, on the contrary, she patted them with her hand…” This sweet depiction reminds us that our Heavenly Mother loves us, even if we’re “little beasts” sometimes.

    Patronage: Animals, Children, Forgiveness, Pets

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  • Saint Francis Of Assisi Tiny Saints


    St. Francis was born in Assisi, Italy, the son of a wealthy merchant. He joined the military but soon became a prisoner of war. When he finally returned home, Francis felt drawn to serve the poor. While praying before a crucifix, Francis heard Jesus tell him, “Repair my house,” the Church. Francis’ radical poverty and simplicity soon attracted many followers. Today, the Franciscan Order remains one of the most beloved religious institutions worldwide.

    Feast Day: October 4

    Patronage: Animals, Pet Owners, Pets, The Environment, The Poor

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  • Blessed Carlo Acutis Tiny Saints


    From a young age, Carlo Acutis demonstrated a unique love for Jesus in the Eucharist. Creative and passionate, Carlo also found joy through computer programming and technology. He used his skills to build websites featuring topics including Mary and the Eucharist. He was a light to all who knew him and beloved by family, friends, and teachers. Carlo developed leukemia at a young age and offered all of his suffering for the Lord, the Pope, and the Church. He died in 2006 at the age of 15.

    Feast Day: October 12

    Patronage: Computer Programming, Youth

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  • Saint Joseph Tiny Saints


    Joseph is a quiet hero, the man God trusted to be Mary’s husband and Jesus’ foster-father. Joseph showed deep faith during Mary’s pregnancy, great courage in leading his family into Egypt, and fatherly wisdom while teaching his son how to work and pray. A carpenter by trade, Joseph is the patron saint of workers. He died with Mary and Jesus by his side, and is invoked for a happy death.

    Feast Day: March 19

    Patronage: A Happy Death, Carpenters, Fathers, Men, Workers

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  • Saint Anthony Tiny Saints


    St. Anthony of Padua was a 13th-century Franciscan friar known for his rich knowledge of Church theology. Even more importantly, he had an incredible ability to explain the Faith so that anyone could understand even the deepest truths. Anthony is often seen holding the child Jesus, who once appeared to him and touched his face. St. Anthony has become beloved by millions as the patron saint of lost things.

    Feast Day: June 13

    Patronage: Amputees, Expectant Mothers, Lost Things, Married Couples, Seafarers

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  • Servant Of God Thea Bowman Tiny Saints


    As a child, Thea was exposed to the richness of her African-American culture and spirituality. She fell in love with the history, stories, songs, prayers, and traditions. As a nun, she gathered together people across the country for singing, gospel preaching, prayer and storytelling. Her programs were designed to foster communication and understanding, and to break down racial and cultural barriers.

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