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    • Paul And Jesus


      This fascinating examination of the earliest years of Christianity reveals how the man we call St. Paul shaped Christianity as we know it today.

      Historians know almost nothing about the two decades following the crucifixion of Jesus, when his followers regrouped and began to spread his message. During this time Paul joined the movement and began to preach to the gentiles. Using the oldest Christian documents that we have-the letters of Paul-as well as other early Christian sources, historian and scholar James Tabor reconstructs the origins of Christianity. Tabor shows how Paul separated himself from Peter and James to introduce his own version of Christianity, which would continue to develop independently of the message that Jesus, James, and Peter preached.

      Paul and Jesus illuminates the fascinating period of history when Christianity was born out of Judaism.

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    • Christians In An Age Of Wealth


      Biblical scholar Craig Blomberg surveys relevant passages from both the Old and New Testaments on the subject of possessions, the place and purpose of wealth, and the Christian way to demonstrate the gospel through our approach to material blessings. Without denying the good created purpose of wealth, both testaments warn us about the idolatry that loving our own wealth or coveting another’s can generate. Christians must be aware of and safeguard against the dangers that abusing material wealth can produce. Blomberg explains the biblical teaching that when we give away generous and sacrificial amounts to those in need, we participate in God’s original good design for abundance and demonstrate the active love of Christ. As part of the Biblical Theology for Life Series, this book provides pastors, teachers, and lay learners with first-rate biblical study while at the same time addressing the practical concerns of contemporary ministry. Christians in an Age of Wealth encourages and challenges readers to embrace a fully biblical perspective on wealth.

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    • Aligning With The Apostolic 3


      Volume 3 includes Apostolic Intercession, Apostolic Character & Maturity, and Apostolic Education

      Written by Seventy Apostles and Apostolic Leaders from around the world and across the Seven Mountains (Spheres) of Culture, Aligning With the Apostolic is a pioneering, groundbreaking study and practical application and demonstration of the role and function of modern apostles in both the marketplace and the ecclesiastical realm, as well as the apostolic movement sweeping the earth today. Aligning With the Apostolic provides an unprecedented overview of the scope, nature, depth and breadth of the calling, function, gift, and office of apostles, and their role and function in the broader society and Kingdom of God as well as the church.

      This historic, five-volume series is edited by Dr. Bruce Cook, with Forewords by Drs. Peter Wagner, Bill Hamon, Lance Wallnau, Paula Price, Gordon Bradshaw, John Muratori and other leading apostles such as Rich Marshall, Lynn Scarborough, Johnny Enlow, and the late Kent Humphreys. The anthology also includes endorsements from John Eckhardt, Elisabeth Cochrane, Dr. Chuck Pierce, Dr. Elizabeth Hairston, and numerous others.

      Contributing Authors include Bill Johnson, Dr. Rick Joyner, Kent Humphreys, Dr. Tommi Femrite, Alice Patterson, Stephanie Klinzing, Dr. Joseph Umidi, Dr. Joseph Mattera, Mark Pfeifer, Sharon Billins, Jon Grieser, Ray Hughes, Axel Sippach, Al Caperna, Tom Webb, Ken Beaudry, Dr. Tim Hamon, John Anderson, Dr. Mark Kauffman, Ed Turose, Dennis Wiedrick, Lorne Tebbutt, Dr. Gayle Rogers, Candace Long, Paul Cuny, Dick and Dr. Arleen Westerhof, Christopher James, Daniel Geraci, Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, Dr. John Muratori, Dr. Paula Price, LaRue Adkinson, Larry Tyler, Fernando Guillen, Dr. Lee Ann Marino, Max Greiner Jr., Tim Taylor, Charlie Fisher, Dr. Doug Atha, Laurie Boyd, Kari Browning, Lloyd Phillips, Dr. Kluane Spake, Dr. Stan DeKoven, Dr. Tony Dale, Dr. Philip Byler, Dr. Michael Scantlebury, Curtis Gillespie, Dr. Stan Jeffery, Gary Beaton, Wende Jones, Dr. Carl White Jr., Dr. Erik Kudlis, Dr. John Burpee, Robert Henderson, Bob Cathers, Dr. Nick Castellano, Duncan Campbell, Dr. David Andrade, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Berin Gilfillan, Dr. A.L. (Papa) Gill, Henry Falany, Dr. Michelle Morrison, James Nesbit, Cal Pierce, Walt Pilcher, Morris Ruddick, Mark Henderson, and Dr. Bruce Cook.

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    • Aligning With The Apostolic 1


      Volume 1 includes Introduction & Overview

      Written by Seventy Apostles and Apostolic Leaders from around the world and across the Seven Mountains (Spheres) of Culture, Aligning With the Apostolic is a pioneering, groundbreaking study and practical application and demonstration of the role and function of modern apostles in both the marketplace and the ecclesiastical realm, as well as the apostolic movement sweeping the earth today. Aligning With the Apostolic provides an unprecedented overview of the scope, nature, depth and breadth of the calling, function, gift, and office of apostles, and their role and function in the broader society and Kingdom of God as well as the church.

      This historic, five-volume series is edited by Dr. Bruce Cook, with Forewords by Drs. Peter Wagner, Bill Hamon, Lance Wallnau, Paula Price, Gordon Bradshaw, John Muratori and other leading apostles such as Rich Marshall, Lynn Scarborough, Johnny Enlow, and the late Kent Humphreys. The anthology also includes endorsements from John Eckhardt, Elisabeth Cochrane, Dr. Chuck Pierce, Dr. Elizabeth Hairston, and numerous others.

      Contributing Authors include Bill Johnson, Dr. Rick Joyner, Kent Humphreys, Dr. Tommi Femrite, Alice Patterson, Stephanie Klinzing, Dr. Joseph Umidi, Dr. Joseph Mattera, Mark Pfeifer, Sharon Billins, Jon Grieser, Ray Hughes, Axel Sippach, Al Caperna, Tom Webb, Ken Beaudry, Dr. Tim Hamon, John Anderson, Dr. Mark Kauffman, Ed Turose, Dennis Wiedrick, Lorne Tebbutt, Dr. Gayle Rogers, Candace Long, Paul Cuny, Dick and Dr. Arleen Westerhof, Christopher James, Daniel Geraci, Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, Dr. John Muratori, Dr. Paula Price, LaRue Adkinson, Larry Tyler, Fernando Guillen, Dr. Lee Ann Marino, Max Greiner Jr., Tim Taylor, Charlie Fisher, Dr. Doug Atha, Laurie Boyd, Kari Browning, Lloyd Phillips, Dr. Kluane Spake, Dr. Stan DeKoven, Dr. Tony Dale, Dr. Philip Byler, Dr. Michael Scantlebury, Curtis Gillespie, Dr. Stan Jeffery, Gary Beaton, Wende Jones, Dr. Carl White Jr., Dr. Erik Kudlis, Dr. John Burpee, Robert Henderson, Bob Cathers, Dr. Nick Castellano, Duncan Campbell, Dr. David Andrade, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Berin Gilfillan, Dr. A.L. (Papa) Gill, Henry Falany, Dr. Michelle Morrison, James Nesbit, Cal Pierce, Walt Pilcher, Morris Ruddick, Mark Henderson, and Dr. Bruce Cook.

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    • Mantenimiento Milagros – (Spanish)


      Con cada don que “recibe” de parte de Dios esta la responsabilidad de “mantenerlo”, pues si no, se arriesga a perder la bendicion de ese don. Aunque muchos cristianos entienden este concepto con respecto al area de la sanidad fisica, tambien se aplica a muchas otras areas de nuestra vida. Los dones pueden llegar en forma de respeto, honor, favor y oportunidades, al igual que compasion, amor, perdon, reconocimiento e instruccion. Y lo que hagamos con los dones que recibimos de Dios puede afectar a la trayectoria de nuestra vida.

      La autora y maestra Joan Hunter le conducira por un viaje de revelacion a medida que usted…

      Aprende la diferencia entre tomar y recibir
      Edifica su confianza en la provision milagrosa de Dios
      Entiende como posicionarse para recibir los dones de Dios
      Es consciente de obstaculos para recibir
      Descubre los secretos de mantener las bendiciones que recibe

      Aprender a mantener los milagros que recibe afectara a cada area de su vida. Cambiara su modo de pensar, vera usted con vision renovada, y vivira con el latido del corazon de Dios.

      With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this concept as it relates to the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives, as well. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.

      Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…

      Learn the difference between taking and receiving
      Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
      Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
      Become aware of hindrances to receiving
      Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receive

      Learning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.

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    • Declare Vida – (Spanish)


      Cuando usted este en acuerdo con las maravillosas promesas dadas en la Palabra de Dios, comenzara a cosechar los dones de Dios de amor, gozo, paz, salud y favor. Cuando declara esas promesas en voz alta a las vidas de otros, sus palabras pueden obrar maravillas.

      Ahora, E. W. Kenyon y Don Gossett unen fuerzas para edificar nuestra fe, ofreciendo sabiduria intemporal y desafiandonos a vivir una vida mas valiente para Dios. Mediante el poder de Dios, los creyentes deberian ser capaces de vencer la adversidad y el pecado en areas tales como finanzas, salud, matrimonio y otras relaciones, y emociones. !Hay poder en la sangre de Jesus para derrotar cualquier cosa y todo lo que el enemigo traiga contra usted!

      Tambien puede declarar palabras de vida a quienes estan perdidos, sufren y tienen necesidad. Deje que fluya su compasion. Cuanto mas valientes sean sus palabras de fe, mayores seran sus resultados.

      When you agree with the marvelous promises given in the Word of God, you will begin to reap God’s gifts of love, joy, peace, health, and favor. When you speak those promises out loud and into the lives of others, your words can work wonders.

      Now, E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett join forces to build our faith, offering timeless wisdom and challenging us to live a bolder life for God. Through His power, believers should be able to overcome adversity and sin in such areas as finances, health, marriage and other relationships, and emotions. There is power in the blood of Jesus to defeat anything and everything the enemy brings against you!

      You, too, can speak words of life into those who are lost, suffering, and needy. Let your compassion flow. The bolder your faith words are, the greater your results will be.

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    • En Su Presencia – (Spanish)


      Este libro no habla de quienes fueron otros y lo que hicieron, !sino de quienes somos nosotros y lo que podemos hacer!

      El internacionalmente aclamado maestro de la Biblia, Dr. E. W. Kenyon, levanta el telon para revelar el lugar santisimo y nuestra capacidad de entrar en su interior para estar en la presencia del Padre, quien esta disponible para cada hijo de Dios. En el aprendera a…

      Escalar a nuevas alturas de realidad espiritual.
      Quitar la neblina que ha rodeado el tema de la oracion aventurandose a la Luz de la Vida.
      Estar firme sobre sus derechos como hijo de Dios.
      Situar todas las cosas en sujecion bajo los pies de Dios.
      Vencer a los enemigos de su vida de oracion.
      Usar la autoridad del nombre de Jesus.

      Este libro ha sido un desafio y una bendicion para incontables multitudes en todo el mundo. No aceptara la invitacion, abrira la puerta y entrara en la presencia del Padre?

      This book is not about who others were and what they did but about who we are and what we can do!

      Internationally acclaimed Bible teacher Dr. E. W. Kenyon lifts the curtain to reveal the Holy of Holies and our ability to enter within to stand in the presence of the Father, who is available to every child of God. In this book, you will learn to…

      Climb to new heights of spiritual reality
      Remove the mist that has surrounded the subject of prayer by venturing into the Light of Life.
      Stand on your rights as a child of God.
      Put all things in subjection under God’s feet.
      Overcome the enemies of your prayer life.
      Use the authority of the name of Jesus.

      This book has been a challenge and blessing to multitudes all over the world. Won’t you accept the invitation, open the door, and enter into the presence of the Father?

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    • Christ Of The 40 Days


      The tragic events of Good Friday did not signal the end of Jesus Christ’s ministry to His disciples-far from it. Easter morning was the beginning of a unique and important portion of Jesus’ ministry on earth. For the next forty days, until His glorious ascension to heaven, Jesus appeared many times to His disciples. During this precious period, Jesus taught His followers about the requirements of discipleship, His own divine nature, and the power they would soon need to expand the kingdom of God “into all the world” (Mark 16:15). Today, we can experience that same power to accomplish God’s work.

      Even more important, those forty days provide us with the promise of His everlasting presence, for Jesus did not say, “I will be with you,” as one who has to go away and come back again, but “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20), as a presence that is never to be withdrawn.

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    • 2nd Coming Of Christ


      The Lord will come again; He promised us that. But is His church ready? We know neither the hour nor the day of Christ’s return, but we are instructed to be ready at all times. Amy Semple McPherson felt the urgency of this call, and she challenges the church to be ready for His glorious return.

      Join “Sister Aimee,” whom Time magazine named one of the most influential people of the twentieth century, in discovering what the second coming of Christ means to the church today. In this book, she answers questions that face many believers…
      *Is Christ coming?
      *How is He coming?
      *When is He coming?
      *For whom is He coming?

      The harvest is ready, and the Lord will come back to reap a bountiful, mature body of believers. Allow this book to prepare you to rise up and meet Christ when He appears in the clouds of glory!

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    • Selections From The Writings Of Fenelon


      Franois de Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon was a French archbishop, theologian, and writer whose excursions into the contemplative life, especially quietism, caused controversy in the church of his day. Today, his writings remain as an encouragement and source of spiritual growth for many Christians.

      Fenelon’s writings poured forth with the spirit of Christian love and the spirit of the Savior of mankind-a love that, Fenelon believed, could conquer self, bind us to our neighbor, and raise us into the presence of almighty God.

      This collection of Fenelon’s work, including doctrinal teachings, letters, meditations, prayers, and devotions, is sure to empower your devotional life and bring you closer to the God you seek.

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    • Heaven And The Angels


      H. A. Baker’s first book, Visions Beyond the Veil, was a vivid account of the heavenly visions a group of homeless Chinese boys received from God, and the miracles that followed. Until that time, Baker knew little about the biblical doctrines of heaven and angels. In Baker’s own words, “Because I had been in such ignorance of the life of the world to come, and because these revelations have so transformed my own life and my work on the mission field, I felt led to gather the best of the things that had come to my knowledge in one way and another and to put the material in book form.”

      The result, Heaven and the Angels, is a thorough collection of biblical teachings on the afterlife, including discourses on…
      The New Jerusalem
      The inhabitants of heaven
      Our perfect future bodies
      The duties of angels, on heaven and on earth
      How believers can participate with heaven today

      Heaven is more than something to be experienced after we die. The miraculous power of God and the ministry of angels are available for every believer, if we will allow our eyes to be opened and our minds to be enlightened.

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    • Evangelize Or Fosselize


      Truly, there is nothing so tragic, so hard, and so icy as a fossilized church or Christian. Nothing can keep the Christian warm, fresh, and alive like evangelism. Soulwinning is a safeguard against a dead, barren orthodoxy. That the church’s expansion depends upon her evangelism is the testimony of the ages. Failing to save, she cannot survive. A lack of evangelism, ultimately, will lead to extinction.

      Renowned Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer examines the call, the methods, the obstacles, and the challenge of bringing the gospel to a lost and hurting world. When the Holy Spirit enables men and women of God to offer their lives for the sake of the Lord Jesus and to turn the world upside down, it is the greatest adventure of all time!

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    • Dark Threads The Weaver Needs


      Suffering is an age-old question that has puzzled the people of God since time began. After all, if our God is both a loving and an all-powerful being, why does He allow such pain and suffering in the world?

      At the age of eighty-two, legendary Bible scholar Dr. Herbert Lockyer took on this question. As he watched his wife of sixty-six years slowly fade from loving spouse to an incapacitated person who needed his constant care, it caused him to look upon her afflicted, helpless form, and ask, O my God, why?

      In this outstanding work, Lockyer does not present ideas on how to cope with suffering but teaches how to pass through it, removing self-pity and using personal trials as a springboard to help others. In the midst of his darkest hour, Lockyer examines the problem of human suffering in light of God’s love and His eternal plan.

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    • All The 2s Of The Bible


      Dr. Herbert Lockyer’s extraction of twin truths from the Bible provides preachers with a wealth of suggestions for creative sermon preparation.

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    • No Easy Catch


      Shae Carmen has sworn off men, at least for the time being. A successful news anchor and local celebrity in St. Louis, Missouri, she was mortified when it came out that her pastor boyfriend was having an affair-with Carmen. She was the “other woman,” and she’d rather go the rest of her life without dating than be deceived again.

      Rahn Maxwell considers himself a Christian, but it takes an attempted carjacking to awaken the professional baseball player to his lapsed spiritual state. Hounded by reporters for interviews on his close call, he makes the acquaintance of Shae Carmen and immediately determines to win her. She’s no easy catch, so he pursues her with devotion and honor, until she finally agrees to date him. Life is like a dream come true.

      Dream turns into nightmare when an investigation into allegations of performance-enhancing drugs among some MLB players threatens to expose a dark part of Rahn’s past-and, worse, to disrupt his relationship with Shae. With his reputation on the line, Rahn must decide the price he’s willing to pay to make Shae his teammate for life.

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    • True Believer : Character Duty And Priviledges


      Famed educator, pastor, and abolitionist Asa Mahan wrote his classic book The True Believer as a response to the question: What are the true character, duties, and privileges of a child of God in this life?

      In it, Mahan addresses such topics as…

      *The confidence of the believer
      *Attaining the fullness of joy
      *The glory conferred from heaven
      *The doctrine of perfection
      *Receiving instruction from the Holy Spirit
      *And much more

      Whether you are new to the faith or a longtime believer, Mahan’s zeal and reasoned teaching on the Christian walk will build your faith and deepen your understanding of your relationship with God.

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    • How I Know God Answers Prayer


      This dramatic and stirring collection of testimonies is an everlasting tribute to the reality of a powerful God who responds to the prayers of His believers. Serving with her husband, Jonathan, on the front lines of China’s Boxer Rebellion at the dawn of the twentieth century, Rosalind Goforth was an eyewitness of how the mighty hand of God responds to prayer in miraculous ways during times of intense struggle.

      This timeless Christian classic stands as a challenge for all believers to never give up reliance on God in prayer, no matter how great the obstacles.

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    • When I Dont Desire God


      John Piper aims to help us find joy in Jesus that is so deep and so strong that it frees us from bondage to comfort and security, and impels us to live merciful and missional lives. Written with the radical hope that all Christians would experience the fullness of life in Christ, this book will help you fight for joy daily by leading you to rediscover the soul-satisfying glory of God.

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    • Grace For Today


      LuxLeather Cover
      Heat-debossed text
      Full-color insides
      366 devotions
      Ribbon marker

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    • Prayers That Change Things In Your Circumstances


      Circumstances involve facts or events that take place around us. David Hume wrote, He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstance.

      Through prayer we can learn how to change our circumstances, even negative ones, into positive opportunities for growth and wholeness.

      The Bible-based prayers in this book deal with a multitude of circumstances people face: The Need for Friendship, Betrayal, Broken Promises, Decision-making, Failures, Healing, Heartache, Loss of a Pet, Priorities, Property Loss/Damage Temptations, And many more.

      The reader will receive encouragement and faith by praying the prayers in this book. He will learn to face each circumstance with faith each faith. Prayers That Change Things in Your Circumstances is solidly based on the Word of God, our source of strength and faith. The reader will experience supernatural peace as he reads and prays.

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    • Book Of Acts Pamphlet


      The Book of Acts Pamphlet is not simply ancient history. It is our story, the story that informs who Christians are. It’s the story of the early church, early missionary work, and the initial move of the Holy Spirit. It covers the lives of Peter, Paul, Barnabas, Silas and the other Christians who took the Gospel far beyond Jerusalem.

      This Book of Acts Bible Study Pamphlet shows that God is active. He was active in the book of Acts, and He is active in our lives today. Navigate deeper into the Acts of the apostles with Rose Publishing’s 14-page Bible study resource, The Book of Acts. This fantastic Bible study pamphlet provides loads of information at a glance. Enjoy simple summaries, Bible charts, biblical map, and other visual resources that make learning about the early church and early missions movement easier than ever before. It’s perfect for adult Bible studies, Sunday school lessons, and small group curriculum.

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    • Psalms Pamphlet : In Gods Presence


      Enrich Your Understanding of the Book of Psalms with Rose’s Psalms pamphlet. Explore this most beloved book, by learning the who, what, when and where about these favorite Bible passages. Discover the 10 different types of Psalms-from Psalms of Lament to Psalms of Thanksgiving, and learn how to effectively read these beautiful scriptures. This Psalms Bible study covers the basics everyone should know in order to fully unlock, appreciate, and learn from these heart-filled cries.

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    • Ruth Pamphlet


      SKU (ISBN): 9781596365315ISBN10: 1596365315Compiled by: Rose PublishingBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2013Publisher: Rose Publishing

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    • Kingdom Man Devotional


      Kingdom Man Devotional is based on the principles and concepts presented in the book Kingdom Man. For the man who wants to be the leader that God has called him to be, this 90-day devotional will help him explore the scriptural mandate to exercise dominion and take responsibility over the various areas of his life. This devotional will challenge and encourage men to embrace their role of provider, protector, cultivator, champion, visionary, and leader, discipling them in the areas of responsibility and spiritual authority.Kingdom Man Devotional challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God and their position over what God has given them, while challenging them to initiate the practical implementation of leadership principles.

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    • Respectable Sins Student Edition


      SKU (ISBN): 9781612914961ISBN10: 1612914969Jerry BridgesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2013Publisher: NavPress

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    • Let Us Worship


      Let Us Worship shares vital principles about worship and how to lead others into worship. Judson Cornwall loved to worship God, and his love for worship shows on every page of this Spirit-filled classic. He wrote, Worship is best learned by worshiping. We learn by associating with the object of our worship, for He is an excellent teacher.

      In this book Dr. Cornwall shows the reader that worship is: The beginning of revival, An interpersonal relationship between man and God, A present-moment activity, Love responding to love, An expression of faith, The total release of the spirit to God’s Spirit. And so much more!

      Let Us Worship provides us with a comprehensive overview of the importance of worship. It is a believer’s manual that leads the reader into the very presence of God. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand Psalm 95:6-7

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    • Buscando Su Presencia – (Spanish)


      I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old.
      -Psalm 78:2 NIV

      Thousands of years ago, God imbedded mysteries within the pattern of Moses’ wilderness tabernacle. But just as earthly treasures must be searched for and mined, we also must diligently search for the spiritual riches that God has buried for us in His Word.

      With David Cerullo as your guide, this book will be your treasure map to assist you on this journey of discovery and transformation. With it, you will…
      *Explore ancient scriptural truths unveiling the pathway into God’s awesome presence.
      *Understand as never before the riches hidden within the tabernacle.
      *Discover the joy of ever-deepening intimacy with the Lord.

      Get ready to embark on a life-changing path that will draw you straight into the very heart of God!

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    • Ruth Mother Of Kings


      The story of Ruth has captivated Christian believers for centuries, not least of all because she is one of only two women with books of the Bible named after them. Now, Diana Wallis Taylor animates this cherished part of the Old Testament, with its unforgettable cast of characters. Experience Ruth’s elation as a young bride-and her grief at finding herself a widow far before her time. Witness the unspeakable relief of Naomi upon hearing her daughter-in-law promise never to leave her. And celebrate with Boaz when, after years as a widower, he discovers love again, with a woman he first found gleaning in his field. The story of this remarkable woman to whom Jesus Christ traced His lineage comes to life in the pages of this dramatic retelling.

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    • 60 Ways To Lower Your Blood Sugar


      It’s projected that in 50 years, one American in three will be diabetic. Many today are well on their way to becoming a sad statistic in the war on obesity, high blood sugar, and the related diseases–including diabetes–that can result from a diet that’s seriously out of whack.

      In his previous bestselling book, Overcoming Runaway Blood Sugar, Dennis Pollock shared his personal experience with this deadly epidemic–including his success at lowering his runaway blood sugar to acceptable levels.

      Now Dennis offers readers the next step in the battle: 60 practical ways to manage their blood sugar without resorting to a bland unsatisfying diet of turnips and tuna fish.

      In this step by step, change by change plan, readers will learn how to:
      *reduce their intake of carbs
      *exercise more effectively
      *shed excess weight

      A must-have book for readers serious about regaining their health while also lowering their weight and increasing their energy.

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    • Jesus Calling DayBrightener


      With the same inspirational messages from the Jesus Calling devotional book, this Jesus Calling DayBrightener brings words of reassurance, comfort, and hope. Words that make you increasingly aware of God’s presence, allowing you to bask in His peace, His joy, and His everlasting love. Each day is written as if Jesus Himself were speaking to you-because He is. Do you hear Him calling?
      Padded cover
      Metal spiral bound
      Free standing for table or desktop

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    • When Helping Hurts


      With more than 200,000 copies sold, When Helping Hurts is a paradigm-forming contemporary classic on the subject of poverty alleviation and ministry to those in need. Emphasizing the poverty of both heart and society, this book exposes the need that every person has and how it can be filled. The reader is brought to understand that poverty is much more than simply a lack of financial or material resources and that it takes much more than donations and handouts to solve the problem of poverty.

      While this book exposes past and current development efforts that churches have engaged in which unintentionally undermine the people they’re trying to help, its central point is to provide proven strategies that challenge Christians to help the poor empower themselves. Focusing on both North American and Majority World contexts, When Helping Hurts catalyzes the idea that sustainable change for people living in poverty comes not from the outside-in, but from the inside-out.

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    • Boys Guide To Making Really Good Choices


      It’s never too early to give young boys a resource that will help them learn the skills for making right choices in life. A Boy’s Guide to Making Really Good Choices is designed to help boys ages 8-12 learn how to think through their options, realize the possible consequences, and develop good decision-making skills. In this book, Jim George uses helpful stories and illustrations to walk boys through the kinds of choices they are likely to face each day–choices to…
      listen to their parents
      do their best in school, sports, and activities
      select friends with care
      be kind to siblings and others
      help out at home and use good manners

      Through the use of real-life scenarios, Jim George equips boys to build good character–the kind that will stay with them for life and honor God’s standards.

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    • Jeremiah 29:11 Classic LuxLeather Journal


      Ribbon marker
      Lined pages

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    • 31 Days Toward Trusting God


      Do you struggle with completely relying on the Lord—and believing he’s really in control? Drawing directly from Bridges’s classic Trusting God, this month-long devotional helps you go from being ruled by fear and doubt to living a life of humility and total dependence on God. Daily meditations include Scripture and a prayer prompt.

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    • Living As Salt And Light


      “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
      -Matthew 5:13-14

      From best-selling author and Bible teacher Derek Prince comes a message that was near and dear to his heart: our responsibility as Christians to have an impact on the nations in which we live. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus laid out three important facts: (1) as believers, we are to be the salt of the earth; (2) we are to be the light of the world; and (3) a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. The world is watching us; we cannot hide. As salt and light, Christians should be a source of both flavor and illumination that influences the world around them.

      Unfortunately, many believers have not even begun to think about this. In this ground-breaking book, Derek Prince provides timely teaching on how to…
      *Take spiritual initiative in your area of influence
      *Utilize the weapon of prayer more effectively
      *Understand the power of praise and testimony
      *Wage spiritual warfare and defeat the schemes of the devil
      *Become history changers for a better world

      As Christians, we have a strategic position in our world. And, we have within our grasp the means to change the course of events in our cities and nations.

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    • Girls Guide To Making Really Good Choices


      Every girl is a beautiful creation, uniquely equipped by God to do His work in the world. But as girls are growing, changing, and making choices about the kinds of lives they will lead, they are bombarded with conflicting messages about what it means to be a woman. The media says one thing, boys say another, and friends seem obsessed with whatever is newest and coolest. As a result, girls too often hand their decisions over to those least qualified to make them.

      Into the breach steps Elizabeth George, bestselling author and beloved Bible teacher. With wisdom, gentleness, and tremendous grace, she guides tween girls ages 8 to 12 through the most challenging decisions they face, teaching them to let God-not the world-define who they are. Discussing such topics as attitude, friendships, crushes, parents, school, and avoiding bad situations, Elizabeth helps girls see that the very best choice of all is a choice to live within God’s will.

      Perfect for individuals, small groups, and mentoring.

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    • Miracle Maintenance : How To Receive And Keep Gods Blessings


      With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this in the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.

      Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…
      *Learn the difference between taking and receiving
      *Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
      *Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
      *Become aware of hindrances to receiving
      *Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receive

      Learning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.

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    • Prayer Box : A Novel


      When Iola Anne Poole, an old-timer on Hatteras Island, passes away in her bed at ninety-one, the struggling young mother in her rental cottage, Tandi Jo Reese, finds herself charged with the task of cleaning out Iola’s rambling Victorian house.

      Running from a messy, dangerous past, Tandi never expects to find more than a temporary hiding place within Iola’s walls, but everything changes with the discovery of eighty-one carefully decorated prayer boxes, one for each year, spanning from Iola’s youth to her last days. Hidden in the boxes is the story of a lifetime, written on random bits of paper–the hopes and wishes, fears and thoughts of an unassuming but complex woman passing through the seasons of an extraordinary, unsung life filled with journeys of faith, observations on love, and one final lesson that could change everything for Tandi.

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    • Critical Pursuit


      Officer Brinna Caruso has built a reputation at the precinct as the cop to call when a child goes missing. For Brinna, it’s personal because she was once one of them. Brinna and her K-9 search and rescue dog, Hero, will stop at nothing to find a missing child, no matter the stakes.Detective Jack O’Reilly isn’t ready to return to his homicide duties, after losing his wife to a drunk driver. He’s on the downside of his career, and bent on revenge, when he’s assigned as Brinna’s partner. While on patrol, Jack struggles between his quest for personal justice and his responsibility to those around him, especially his partner.Skeptical of Jack’s motives, Brinna isn’t sure she can rely on her new partner, whose reckless abandon endangers the safety of those around him. But when a man surfaces with an MO similar to the criminal who abducted Brinna twenty years earlier, Brinna and Jack must cast aside previous judgments and combine efforts to catch the kidnapper, and finally allow Brinna the peace stolen from her as a child.

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    • Women Of Christmas


      This giftable and appealing Advent-oriented book explores the stories of Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna from the book of Luke, unpacking each verse to introduce readers anew to the women who played key roles related to the birth of Jesus.

      When it comes to Christmas, the stories of shepherds, wise men, and other male figures often dominate our thinking. But right from the start, women played vital roles in God’s beautiful plan to redeem His world through Jesus. In this Christ-centered, Christmas-themed Bible study-perfect for holiday gift giving, for personal use, and for group studies-best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs helps modern women connect personally to powerful truths revealed in the lives of Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and Anna, the faithful prophetess.

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    • Greatest Gift : Unwrapping The Full Love Story Of Christmas


      Thousands of readers have already fallen in love with Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts, and this Christmas, Ann will help readers celebrate the lineage and the majesty of God’s greatest gift-Jesus Christ. In what is sure to become an instant holiday classic, Voskamp reaches back into the pages of the Old Testament to explore the lineage of Jesus via the advent tradition of “The Jesse Tree.”

      Beginning with Jesse, the father of David, The Greatest Gift retraces the epic pageantry of mankind, from Adam to the Messiah, with each day’s reading pointing to the coming promise of Christ.

      Sure to become a holiday staple in every Christian home, The Greatest Gift is the perfect gift for the holidays and a timeless reminder of the true meaning of Christmas.

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    • Killing Sin Habits


      1. Repeating Pattern Of Sin: Just Like Clockwork, But It Can Stop!
      2. Something Is Missing
      3. Context Is Everything!
      4. Exercise (Vivify) Daily Christian Faith
      5. Vivify A Right Priority
      6. Vivify Spiritual Exercise
      7. Radical Love For Radical Love
      8. Will The Real Mortification Please Stand Up?
      9. Where The Rubber Meets The Road
      10. Final Thoughts

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      Scripture teaches that we can’t know when our Savior, Jesus Christ will return to earth. However, the signs described in the Bible are coming to pass at a rapid rate. What are these signs and how should Christians respond to what is happening in the world today?

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    • Bake Through The Bible


      1. God Makes Everything: Creation Cookies
      2. God’s People Disobey Him: Sad Pizza Faces
      3. God Makes Amazing Promises: Sparkly Promise Cookies
      4. God’s People Grow: Bread Shapes
      5. God Rescues His People: Lamb Burgers
      6. God Shows Us How To Live: Frozen Fruit Treats
      7. God Gives His People A Home: Egg People In Bread Homes
      8. God Looks After His People: Thirst-quenching Smoothies
      9. God Promises A Forever-King: Crown Cookies
      10. God Promises A Rescuer: Happy Crepe Faces
      11. The Birth Of Jesus: Christmas Cupcakes

      Additional Info
      This book contains 20 Bible stories, told in a simple, engaging style, that take your child through the whole storyline of the Bible. Each story is supported by a cooking activity that reinforces the main teaching, along with questions to discuss while cooking, and a simple recap to use when enjoying what they’ve cooked.

      Cooking activities include:
      – Sparkly promise cookies to remember God’s wonderful promises to Abraham
      – Happy crepe faces in response to God’s promise to send His Rescuer and Forever-King
      – Spiral tuna wraps for a picnic that links with Jesus’ miracle of feeding thousands
      – An empty bread tomb with Easter dips to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection

      You don’t have to be a good cook-just ready to have some fun as you Bake through the Bible!

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    • Crazy Busy : A Mercifully Short Book About A Really Big Problem


      I’m too busy. We’ve all heard it, we’ve all said it. Sometimes being busy seems like the theme of our lives. Yet this frenetic pace poses a serious threat to our physical, social, and even spiritual well-being. In this mercifully short book about a really big problem, best-selling author Kevin DeYoung rejects the “busyness as usual” mindset, arguing that a life of constant chaos is far from what God intends. DeYoung helps us figure out a better way forward as he strikes a mature and well-reasoned balance between doing nothing and doing everything. With his usual warmth, humor, and honesty, DeYoung deftly attacks the widespread “crazy busy” epidemic and offers up the restful cure we’ve all been too busy to find.

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    • Gospel Centered Work (Workbook)


      In Gospel-centred Work you’ll discover how the good news about Jesus transforms the way we think about our work in surprising and practical ways.
      Use this book on your own or with a group of colleagues to discover how we serve a working God; how Christian belief transforms the central problems we experience with work; and how the workplace can be a place for long-term effective Gospel witness.
      Suitable for any Christian who works, whether in the home or in the workplace, in paid-ministry or in the secular workforce.

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    • Making Work Work (Student/Study Guide)


      Most of us spend most of our waking hours at work. It takes up most of our energy and often most of our emotions. It is at times really fulfilling, and at other times utterly frustrating. It keeps a roof over our heads and food on our tables… but is there any more to work than that?
      Christians can feel that what they do Monday to Friday is irrelevant to their faith; or, worse, gets in the way of them living out their faith. Others who don t go to work in an office or factory can feel that they are of little worth.
      Could work should work be anything more than something to go to, make money at, and return home from?
      The Bible s answer is: Yes! Whether you go out to work, or are a parent whose work is at home… whether you re out of work, starting your first job, running a company, or retired… these eight studies will show you, excite you and challenge you with God s perspective on working in His world.

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    • Serving Without Sinking


      1. Introduction
      2. Serving Can Be Joyful
      3. A Wrong View Of God
      4. A Wrong View Of People
      5. Served By Christ
      6. Friends With The Boss
      7. Bride Of The King
      8. Sons In The Father’s Business
      9. Still Being Served
      10. The Gift Of Service
      11. Service Is Love
      12. Slaves With A Master
      13. The Joy Of Serving Jesus

      Additional Info
      Many of us are serving, and feel like we’re sinking. We feel joyless, weary and burdened.

      John Hindley shows how Jesus was telling the truth when He offered people an “easy yoke”-a way of serving Him that is joyful and liberating. He explains why serving is so often joyless-and how our identity in Christ changes everything.

      If you are serving, but sometimes feel as though you’re sinking… you need this book!

      If you know someone who has burn out, or is heading in that direction…they need this book too.

      * Written in a personal, warm, gospel-hearted style.
      * Encourages readers to see not only how they serve, but WHY they serve
      * Points Christians away from themselves and back to Jesus
      * Frees people from the burdens of joyless, duty-based serving

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    • Is God Anti Gay



      1. Getting Started: The Bible, Marriage And Sex
      2. The Bible And Homosexuality
      3. Homosexuality And The Christian
      4. Homosexuality And The Church
      5. Homosexuality And The World


      Additional Info
      It’s the hot topic of the moment. Christians, the church and the Bible seem to be out of step with modern attitudes towards homosexuality. And there is growing hostility towards those who hold a different view. So is God homophobic? And what do we say, and how do we relate to to both Christians and non Christians who experience same-sex attraction.

      In this short, simple book, Sam Allberry wants to help confused Christians understand what God has said about these questions in the scriptures, and offers a positive and liberating way forward through the debate.

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    • 1 Corinthians 1-9 Challenging Church (Student/Study Guide)


      Why Study 1 Corinthians?
      1. Count Your Blessings – 1 Corinthians 1 V 1-9
      2. Unite In “foolishness” – 1 Corinthians 1 V 10 – 2 V 16
      3. Unite As God’s Community – 1 Corinthians 3
      4. Recognise Real Ministers – 1 Corinthians 4
      5. Don’t Go Soft On Sin – 1 Corinthians 5 – 6
      6. Let Your Calling Count – 1 Corinthians 7
      7. Use Your Rights – 1 Corinthians 8 – 9
      Leader’s Guide

      Additional Info
      Even today, Jesus is still a figure of intense interest and admiration for millions. But then there’s His church. Church is a boring topic for most, and a reluctantly fulfilled duty for many.

      And we can understand why. Churches say they have the best news in the world, that they have the answer to our problems, that they are God’s embassies on earth; and yet churches are made up of people like you and me, who are grumpy, irritable, unfaithful, selfish, and worse.

      And as that is sadly true of churches today, so it was of the church in Corinth. It was young, it was full of life, and it was just as full of problems. What would God say to such a challenging church? What did they need to be excited by, to listen to, to learn?

      Use this seven-study guide to open up the first nine chapters of the letter of 1 Corinthians, to hear what God said to His church in Corinth, and what God still says to His church today.

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    • Gospel Centered Marriage (Workbook)


      Finding Your Way Around
      Part One: Gospel-Centred Marriage
      1. Marriage And The Passion Of God
      2. Marriage And The Purposes Of God
      3. Marriage And The Kingdom Of God
      4. Marriage And The Submission Of God’s People
      5. Marriage And The Loving Authority Of Christ
      Part Two: Gospel-Centred Relationships
      6. Grace
      7. Love
      8. Conflict
      9. Reconciliation
      10. Forgiveness
      Part Three: Gospel-Centred Sex
      11. Enjoying Good Sex
      12. Pursuing Good Sex
      13. Transforming Bad Sex
      14. Gospel-centred Beauty
      15. Marriage Is Not Forever
      Further Reading

      Additional Info
      Most of what the Bible has to say about marriage does not come flagged up under a heading of “marriage”. It’s not just the famous “marriage passages” that shape a gospel-centred marriage, but the whole Bible-story of God’s good creation, humanity’s wicked rebellion and God’s gracious redemption.

      To understand why marriages struggle-as they all do-we need to understand the nature of our sin. To make marriages work, we need to understand how to apply the truth about God and His salvation.

      This study guide on Christian marriage focuses on how the Gospel shapes the practical realities of everyday life. Author Tim Chester lifts the lid on many of the common pressure points that modern couples face, and shows how a proper understanding of the Gospel can shape a response.

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