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    Family Concerns

    • From Anger To Intimacy (Reprinted)


      Learn how to resolve conflict, hurt, and pain in a healthy way; overcome feelings of anger, frustration, and rage; forgive and nurture a forgiving spirit; craft the perfect apology; break sexual addiction and heal after an affair; and much more.

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    • Skinny On Parents


      Parents are the biggest influence on the lives of teenagers-a fact that research has proved again and again. Yet interactions with parents can be one of the trickiest areas for a youth worker to navigate well. Great youth ministries are passionate about helping parents-the key influence on teenage faith-succeed in their God-given roles. That’s the foundational message of The Skinny on Parents, which will lead you toward a place where you focus more of your energy on resourcing, equipping, partnering with, and empowering parents. Parents are not the enemy. Ignoring them will diminish the impact of your ministry. Most parents struggle with fears but also want help. And you can come alongside them to partner in helping teenagers fully step into a life of faith. This book is filled with practical ideas that will energize your ministry to parents and families. And if you as a youth worker provide help in a way that allows parents to feel more equipped and confident, then everyone wins: families, teenagers, and your youth ministry!

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    • Winning Dad : How To Finish First With Your Kids


      Being a good dad is a challenge, but you can be the father you’ve always wanted to be. Laced with tips and quotes from NASCAR greats like Dale Jarrett, Darrell Waltrip, and Ernie Irvin, The Winning Dad gives every man the confidence to be a good dad.

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    • Como Hacer Felices A Tus Hijos – (Spanish)


      Cmo hacemos felices a los hijos]]complaciendo todos sus caprichos?

      No; formando hombres y mujeres moralmente responsables y espiritualmente sensibles! Criar a los hijos y a la misma vez hacerlos felices, hoy y en el futuro, es una labor titnica. Exige amor, tiempo, pensamiento y compromiso. Es un trabajo sensible y un reto delicado. Cada palabra que decimos y cada gesto que tenemos, dulce o amenazador, marcar de una manera indeleble la existencia de nuestros hijos. Seamos sabios. La manera cmo vamos construyendo la fibra moral de nuestra descendencia, aquella que los sostendr en las batallas de la vida, tiene que ser pensada, ejecutada y constantemente corregida.

      Con asombrosa habilidad y un ameno lenguaje de vida diaria, al que te podrs relacionar, los autores de Cmo hacer felices a tus hijos nos llevan de la mano a travs del aprendizaje de conceptos fundamentales y ejemplos prcticos de crianza.

      Cmo Hacer Felices a tus Hijos es una nutrida, balanceada y p

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    • Inheritance Of Tears


      When a woman becomes pregnant, miscarriage is usually the furthest thing from her mind. Such was the case for Jessalyn Hutto when she became pregnant with her first baby. But as is all too common in our post-fall world, the life she carried came to an abrupt end. Death had visited her womb, and the horrors of miscarriage had become a part of her life’s story.

      Ultimately, she would lose two children in the womb, one at 6 weeks gestation and another at 15 weeks. Through these painful losses, a whole new world of suffering opened up to her. It seemed that everywhere she looked women were quietly mourning the loss of their unborn children. Yet this particular type of loss has been grossly overlooked by the church.

      Couples navigating the unique sorrow of losing a child are often left with little biblical counsel to draw upon. Well-meaning friends and family often offer empty platitudes and Christian cliches. But what these couples truly need is the hope of the gospel.

      Short, sensitive, and theologically robust, Inheritance of Tears offers hope and comfort to those who are called to walk through the painful trial of miscarriage, and shows pastors and church members how to effectively minister to these parents in their time of need.

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    • Moments For Moms DayBrightener


      366 inspirational messages

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    • 5 Love Languages For Men


      Falling in love is easy. Keeping the sizzle in your marriage? That’s more like grilling the perfect steak-it takes time, attention, and some secret spices. Mastering your wife’s heart doesn’t have to be complicated, but it will take a little effort. Good intentions alone will not get the job done.

      Gary Chapman gears this edition of his #1 New York Times multi-million best seller to your needs, challenges, and interests as a husband. What really fills your wife’s love tank? (It may not be what you think.) How can you let her know what you’re thinking and feeling? What can you do to make sex more meaningful and pleasurable for you both? This book offers a straightforward approach that will equip you for relational success.

      Discover the secret that has already transformed millions of relationships worldwide. As you learn this simple, yet profound, concept for communicating love, you’ll be more confident and courageous in the ways that matter most. Really!

      “When you express your love for your wife using her primary love language, it’s like hitting the sweet spot on a baseball bat or golf club. It just feels right-and the results are impressive.” -Gary Chapman

      Includes an updated version of The 5 Love Languages(R) personal profile.

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    • Haga Guerra Espiritual Por Su – (Spanish)


      Una batalla espiritual en el frente del hogar

      El indice de divorcio en Estados Unidos ronda el 52 por ciento. Casi la mitad de todos los nios nacen fuera del matrimonio. Algo va muy mal. La Biblia declara que la ilegitimidad produce una maldicion sobre una familia por diez generaciones. Si eso es cierto, las familias americanas estan inmersas en una batalla espiritual y ni siquiera lo saben.

      Casado durante casi cincuenta aos, Richard Ing ha aconsejado a cientos de parejas y es tambien un experto en guerra espiritual. Ha identificado las maneras en que Satanas y sus demonios atacan el matrimonio mediante batallas en comunicacion, intimidad, rechazo, y el equipaje que llevamos de nuestro pasado.

      Este no es un libro sobre psicologia cristiana y consejeria, sino mas bien un contraataque directo contra el reino de la oscuridad y los deseos de la carne. Va al grano al identificar la verdadera fuente de la mayoria de nuestros conflictos en el matrimonio y el modo en que nuestras actitudes se llevan casi a todas nuestras relaciones, tanto dentro como fuera del matrimonio. Saca a la luz los espiritus malignos que Satanas usa para destruir matrimonios y como podemos ser liberados de ellos.

      A Spiritual Battle on the Home Front

      The divorce rate in America is around 52 percent. Nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock. Something is very wrong. The Bible declares that illegitimacy brings a curse upon a family for ten generations. If this is true, American families are engaged in a spiritual battle and don’t even know it.

      Married for nearly fifty years, Richard Ing has counseled hundreds of couples and is also an expert at spiritual warfare. He has identified the ways in which Satan and his demons attack marriage through struggles in communication, intimacy, rejection, and the baggage from our past.

      This is not a book on Christian psychology and counseling, but rather, a direct counter-attack against the kingdom of darkness and the lusts of the flesh. It cuts to the chase by identifying the true source of most of our conflicts in marriage and how our attitudes carry over to almost all of our relationships, both in and outside of marriage. It exposes the evil spirits Satan uses to destroy marriages and how we can be delivered from them.

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    • Warfare For Your Marriage


      A Spiritual Battle on the Home Front

      The divorce rate in America is around 52 percent. Nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock. Something is very wrong. The Bible declares that illegitimacy brings a curse upon a family for ten generations. If this is true, American families are engaged in a spiritual battle and don’t even know it.

      Married for nearly fifty years, Richard Ing has counseled hundreds of couples and is also an expert at spiritual warfare. He has identified the ways in which Satan and his demons attack marriage through struggles in communication, intimacy, rejection, and the baggage from our past.

      This is not a book on Christian psychology and counseling, but rather, a direct counter-attack against the kingdom of darkness and the lusts of the flesh. It cuts to the chase by identifying the true source of most of our conflicts in marriage and how our attitudes carry over to almost all of our relationships, both in and outside of marriage. It exposes the evil spirits Satan uses to destroy marriages and how we can be delivered from them.

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    • Fatherhood Principle : Gods Design And Destiny For Every Man


      All men are fathers.

      The inherent purpose of all men is fatherhood.

      Whether a man is married or single, and whether or not he has children, he is designed by God to fulfill the role of father in the lives of those around him. It is his calling to reflect the creative and cultivating nature of God.

      In The Fatherhood Principle, Dr. Myles Munroe explains that although every man is called to be a father, knowing how to live in this purpose is not automatic. We must understand the characteristics and master the skills of fatherhood. Fulfilling the position and role you were created for means exhibiting qualities of leadership, integrity, responsibility, and obedience to the ultimate Father of fathers-our Father God in heaven.

      This book provides key principles and insights that will teach you how to fulfill the role of father in your personal sphere of influence. In clear and compelling terms, Dr. Munroe explains how a man can become source, nourisher, sustainer, protector, teacher,
      disciplinarian, leader, head, caring one, and developer.

      Discover God’s original blueprint for men and step into your true purpose in life.

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    • 1 Year Love Language Minute Devotional


      Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t love-it’s your love language. Each one of us responds well to a different type of expression of love. The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional is your daily guide for expressing heartfelt love to your mate in a way that he or she can appreciate it.

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    • New Strong Willed Child


      Is a willful little darling driving you to distraction? The New Strong-Willed Child is the resource you need-a classic bestseller completely rewritten, updated, and expanded for a new generation of parents and teachers. Challenging as they are to raise, strong-willed children can grow up to be men and women of strong character-if lovingly guided with understanding and the right kind of discipline. Find out what Dr. James Dobson, today’s most trusted authority on parenting, has to say about what makes strong-willed children the way they are; shaping the will while protecting the spirit; avoiding the most common parenting mistake; and much more. If you are struggling to raise and teach children who are convinced they should be able to live by their own rules, The New Strong-Willed Child is a must-read! (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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    • Bringing Up Boys


      Sensible advice and caring encouragement on raising boys from the nation’s most trusted parenting authority, Dr. James Dobson.
      With so much confusion about the role of men in our society, it’s no wonder so many parents and teachers are asking questions about how to bring up boys. Why are so many boys in crisis? What qualities should we be trying to instill in young males? Our culture has vilified masculinity and, as a result, an entire generation of boys is growing up without a clear idea of what it means to be a man. In the runaway bestseller Bringing Up Boys, Dr. Dobson draws from his experience as a child psychologist and family counselor, as well as extensive research, to offer advice and encouragement based on a firm foundation of biblical principles. (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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    • New Dare To Discipline


      Much-needed answers to your toughest parenting questions! Why are boundaries so important? Do children really want limits set on their behavior? My spouse doesn’t seem to care about discipline; why I am I stuck being the “bad guy?” Is it okay to spank my child, or will it lead him to hit others and become a violent person? Join the millions of caring parents who have found answers in the wisdom of parenting authority and family counselor Dr. James Dobson. The New Dare to Discipline is a revised and updated edition of the classic bestseller, designed to help you lead your children through the tough job of growing up. This practical, reassuring guide will teach you how to meet your children’s needs of love, trust, affection-and discipline. (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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    • Marriage Communication Survey


      Increased Intimacy or Emotional Isolation…which will you choose? Developing good communication skills is a lifetime journey. The reward for developing and fine-tuning these skills is increased intimacy. The cost of neglecting these essential skills is emotional isolation. The Marriage Communication Assessment helps spouses look at their communication skills as a couple and allows each one to evaluate their own view and their spouse’s view of each other as communicators. A real eye-opener and starting point to better understanding ourselves…and our spouses.

      Use this assessment to identify key marriage communication issues and start to…
      * Improve communication effectiveness
      * Improve overall health of the marriage
      * Listen with interest
      * Identify and verbalize personal feelings
      * Maintain a good mood that allows communication
      * Display effective conflict resolution skills
      * Use body language that encourages communication
      * Verbalize affirmation and affection
      * Allow differences and individual strengths to balance rather than divide

      Examine yourself and your spouse in light of 8 key communication skills:
      1. Identifying and verbalizing your feelings
      2. Asking for wants and needs
      3. Listening and willing to enter each other’s world with genuine interest
      4. Understanding the moods of the spouses
      5. Managing and resolving conflict appropriately
      6. Reading “meta” (unspoken body language) communications
      7. Verbalizing affirmation and affection
      8. Communicating with acceptance and validating spouse’s differing values, ideas, opinions and interest, without insisting on conformity to one’s own

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    • Dysfunctional Families : Making Peace With Your Past


      SKU (ISBN): 9781596369368ISBN10: 1596369361June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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    • Smart Stepfamily : 7 Steps To A Healthy Family (Revised)


      Stepfamilies frequently encounter difficulties in attaining the idealistic dream of “blending” their separate family members. Ron Deal provides seven effective, achievable steps toward building a healthy marriage and a workable and peaceful stepfamily. The Smart Stepfamily has been developed from Deal’s nationwide seminars on the topic. Equally useful for individuals, families, small groups, pastors, and counselors, this is perhaps the best tool available for families.

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    • Dads And Daughters


      She’ll always be your girl.

      Whether your daughter is still small or all grown up, she holds a special place in her dad’s heart forever. Today, celebrate the gifts and blessings of the unique relationship between dads and their girls with this inspirational book by family counselor and widely acclaimed parenting expert Dr. James Dobson.Based on the New York Times bestseller Bringing Up Girls, Dads and Daughters is a beautiful tribute to a dad’s role in his daughter’s life. It’s an insightful collection of wisdom for dads on developing and preserving a truly exceptional connection with their daughters. And it’s a joyful celebration of the lifelong bond of love they share.

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    • Power Of A Praying Wife Deluxe Edition (Deluxe)


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      The Power of a Praying(R) Wife has sold more than 3.5 million copies and has encouraged countless women to trust God for their marriages. In this beautiful new padded hardcover edition, Stormie shares how God has strengthened her own marriage since she began to pray for her husband concerning key areas in his life, including his
      *spiritual walk
      *role as father and leader
      *security in work and finances
      *faith and future

      If you desire a closer relationship with your husband, you will appreciate this refreshing look at the power of prayer in marriage.

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    • Pareja Conforme Al Corazon De – (Spanish)


      Jim y Elizabeth unen esfuerzos para compartir su sabiduria y experiencia de mas de 40 aos de vida marital a fin de ayudar a las parejas a acercarse mas el uno al otro y a Dios. Los conyuges descubriran como enriquecer sus ma- trimonios. Al observar las fortalezas y debilidades de parejas de la Biblia como Abraham y Sara, Booz y Rut, Jose y Maria, y otros, aprenderan a… * conocer los elementos esenciales necesarios para disfrutar de una vida emocionante juntos * desarrollar mejores formas de comunicarse y tomar decisiones solidas * darse cuenta de la necesidad de buscar unidad y fortaleza en Dios durante los tiempos dificiles

      New from best-selling authors Jim and Elizabeth George! Jim and Elizabeth come together to share from 40-plus years of marital wisdom and experiences to help couples grow closer to each other and to God. Husbands and wives will discover how they can en- rich their marriages. As they observe the strengths and weaknesses of couples in the Bible like Abraham and Sarah, Boaz and Ruth, Joseph and Mary, and others, they will… * learn the essentials necessary for enjoying an exciting life together * develop better ways to communicate and make solid decisions * realize the need to draw upon God for unity and strength in hard times

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    • Power Of A Praying Parent Deluxe Edition (Deluxe)


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      This beautiful padded hardcover edition of The Power of a Praying(R) Parent (2 million copies sold) will surely find a new home in the lives of Stormie Omartian’s worldwide audience.

      After decades of raising her son and daughter alongside her husband, Michael, Stormie looks back at the trials and joys of parenting and the power found in praying for her children. In these easy-to-read chapters, she shares from personal experience how you can pray for your kids’
      *character development
      *school experiences
      *and so much more

      Stormie’s now grown-up children, Christopher and Amanda, reflect on the way their praying parents raised them–and what a difference it made.

      Perfect for new moms and dads as well as those a little further along in the journey, The Power of a Praying(R) Parent is a must-have for anyone caring for a child.

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    • Power Of A Praying Wife Prayer And Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      This warmly written prayer and study guide will help you apply the life-changing, marriage-enriching principles of Stormie’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) Wife to your own life.

      In this companion resource, you will find fresh inspiration on how to pray deeply for areas of your husband’s life–his thought life, sexual life, business life, emotional life–and discover new ways to ask God to encourage and direct your spouse.

      Drawing on her own personal experience of praying for her husband at a difficult time in their marriage, Stormie wants to walk with you on this journey through revealing questions and suggestions to help you focus on God and His plan for your husband and your marriage. By asking and trusting God to build up, encourage, and direct your husband, you will experience renewed intimacy and a deeper spiritual union with God.

      Great for individual or group study.

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    • Power Of Praying For Your Adult Children Book Of Prayers


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      Just because your children are grown up doesn’t mean they don’t need your prayers. In some ways they need them more than ever.

      Stormie offers you a gathering of heartfelt prayers from one of her most popular books, The Power of Praying(R) for Your Adult Children. This little-but-powerful book of prayer and Scripture is ideally sized for mothers or fathers to pull from purse or pocket throughout the day for quick and meaningful talks with God about their grown children’s relationships, faith, finances, struggles, direction, and parenting.

      This compact resource unveils the power of prayer to protect, nurture, and guide. It offers parents the comfort, reassurance, and wisdom of God’s promises for them and their adult child’s life and future.

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    • Power Of A Praying Husband


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      In The Power of a Praying Husband, you’ll find the excitement and hope that come from inviting the God who hears and answers prayer into your marriage. Packed with real-life examples and refreshing honesty regarding her own marriage, Stormie encourages you to lovingly intercede for your wife in every area of her life, including her

      Each chapter features comments from well-known Christian men, biblical wisdom, and prayer ideas. The warm and easy-to-read book includes a foreword by Stormie’s husband, multi-Grammy winning music producer Michael Omartian. It’s a resource that makes a great gift to husbands from wives and is also an excellent study for men’s groups wanting to develop the discipline of prayer.

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    • Marriage : To Have And To Hold


      This marriage counseling book, Marriage: To Have and to Hold explains how to sort out common marriage problems, build healthy communication, and move your relationship in the right direction using practical marriage advice and biblical wisdom.

      …and they lived happily ever after. Has “happily ever after” turned out differently than you thought? Most marital conflict and dissatisfaction stems from unrealistic expectations. In this Christian marriage book, discover how to uproot common myths about “What a Christian marriage should be” and find out Bible-based, practical tips for marriage that can transform your relationship from the inside out

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    • Halloween Harmless Fun Or Risky Business


      Most people consider Halloween to be a harmless occasion for children to wear costumes and collect candy. But there is a lot more behind the holiday-both historical and spiritual-that Christians may want to consider before deciding how and if their children should participate. In this book, you will learn about many traditions and superstitions associated with Halloween, including:

      *Trick-or-treating and jack-o’-lanterns
      *Black cats and owls
      *Fortune-tellers and psychics
      *Wicca and witches
      *Ghouls and zombies

      Join Diana Wallis Taylor in exploring the origins of Halloween customs and discovering what they mean for us today.

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    • Uncommon Marriage Bible Study


      A marriage gets stronger when you invite God into it.

      A companion study to Tony and Lauren Dungy’s popular book Uncommon Marriage, this 5-week guide for couples or small groups delves into Scripture to explore the blessings and challenges couples face today. Drawing on biblical truths and their own personal experiences, Tony and Lauren share the importance of making time for each other, resolving conflict well, staying strong and committed through difficult times, coping with changes and big decisions, praying together, building a spiritual foundation for your family, and more. The Uncommon Marriage Bible Study will help equip your marriage to survive tough issues and flourish with joy, purpose, and partnership-in other words, to be a marriage that is truly uncommon. The book also includes icebreakers for groups, a leader’s guide, and links to free resources for churches.

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    • Power Of A Praying Parent Book Of Prayers


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      Stormie shares with you her most-loved prayers from The Power of a Praying(R) Parent–the book that started her bestselling series.

      This gathering of short-but-powerful prayers and encouraging scriptures is small enough to keep in purse or pocket for quick times of communion with God. With a fresh, new cover and plenty of room for you to write down personal prayer notes, The Power of a Praying(R) Parent Book of Prayers is a lovely gift that will draw your heart to the Lord in prayer.

      These prayers will give you confidence and peace in your parenting skills as you pray for God’s best and most wonderful promises to come true in your children’s lives.

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    • Power Of Praying For Your Adult Children


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      In this important follow-up to The Power of a Praying(R) Parent (2 million copies sold), Stormie addresses areas of concern you may have for your grown children and shares how to lift them up to God. With stories from other parents and insight gleaned from personal experience, Stormie helps you pray with the power of God’s Word over your adult children and their:
      *career choices and sense of purpose
      *marriages and other vital relationships
      *parenting skills and leadership
      *struggles, addictions, or emotional trials
      *faith commitment and prayer life

      Perhaps you are watching your grown children step out into the world and wishing you could do more to support them while giving them the freedom they crave. You can. It doesn’t matter how young or old they are, you can rest in the power of God working through your prayers.

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    • Power Of A Praying Parent


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      After 20 years of raising her son and daughter alongside her husband, Michael, Stormie looks back at the trials and joys of parenting and the power in praying for her children. In these easy-to-read chapters, Stormie shares from personal experience as to how parents can pray for their kids’
      *character development
      *peer pressure
      *school experiences
      *relationship with God

      This resource will help you to be an amazing praying parent whether your kids are three or thirty-three.

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    • Power Of A Praying Husband Book Of Prayers


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives. Stormie shares some of her most-loved prayers in a small edition that you can keep on hand for quick conversations with God to lift up your wife the areas of her commitment to God health priorities motherhood faith Prayers from The Power of a Praying Husband serve as the perfect starting point in asking for God’s wisdom for and blessing on your marriage. You will appreciate these concise, heartfelt ways to pray for your wife and your life together.

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    • Power Of A Praying Wife Book Of Prayers


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      Stormie offers praying wives a selection of favorite prayers from her bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) Wife. Small enough to keep in purse or pocket for quick conversations with God, lovely enough to give as a special gift to uplift and draw the hearts of friends and loved ones to the Lord in prayer, this little book will help you unlock the enormous power of prayer in your marriage.

      Insightful, honest, and life-changing prayers from The Power of a Praying(R) Wife will also encourage your heart as you pray for God’s purposes and plans to come about abundantly in your husband’s life.

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    • Power Of A Praying Wife


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      Stormie joyfully inspires you to develop a deeper relationship with your husband by utilizing the amazing power of prayer. This uplifting resource is packed with practical advice on praying for specific areas of your husband’s life, including his
      *spiritual strength
      *role as father, leader
      *faith and future

      If you desire a closer relationship with your spouse, you will appreciate the life illustrations, encouraging Bible verses, and the assurances of God’s promises and power for your marriage.

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    • My Family Is Changing


      SKU (ISBN): 9780870295553ISBN10: 0870295551Emily Menendez-Aponte | Illustrator: Anne FitzgeraldBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2013Just For Me BooksPublisher: Abbey + CA Gift

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    • Meaning Of Marriage


      1. The Secret Of Marriage
      2. The Power For Marriage
      3. The Essence Of Marriage
      4. The Mission Of Marriage
      5. Loving The Stranger
      6. Embracing The Other
      7. Singleness And Marriage
      8. Sex And Marriage
      Appendix: Decision Making And Gener Roles

      Additional Info
      Based on the acclaimed sermon series by New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller, this book shows everyone-Christians, skeptics, singles, longtime married couples, and those about to be engaged-the vision of what marriage should be according to the Bible.

      Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that your spouse is there to help you realize your potential; that marriage does not mean forever, but merely for now; and that starting over after a divorce is the best solution to seemingly intractable marriage issues. But these modern-day assumptions are wrong. Timothy Keller, with insights from Kathy, his wife of thirty-seven years, shows marriage to be a glorious relationship that is also misunderstood and mysterious. The Meaning of Marriage offers instruction on how to have a successful marriage, and is essential reading for anyone who wants to know God and love more deeply in this life.

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    • Gospel Centered Marriage (Workbook)


      Finding Your Way Around
      Part One: Gospel-Centred Marriage
      1. Marriage And The Passion Of God
      2. Marriage And The Purposes Of God
      3. Marriage And The Kingdom Of God
      4. Marriage And The Submission Of God’s People
      5. Marriage And The Loving Authority Of Christ
      Part Two: Gospel-Centred Relationships
      6. Grace
      7. Love
      8. Conflict
      9. Reconciliation
      10. Forgiveness
      Part Three: Gospel-Centred Sex
      11. Enjoying Good Sex
      12. Pursuing Good Sex
      13. Transforming Bad Sex
      14. Gospel-centred Beauty
      15. Marriage Is Not Forever
      Further Reading

      Additional Info
      Most of what the Bible has to say about marriage does not come flagged up under a heading of “marriage”. It’s not just the famous “marriage passages” that shape a gospel-centred marriage, but the whole Bible-story of God’s good creation, humanity’s wicked rebellion and God’s gracious redemption.

      To understand why marriages struggle-as they all do-we need to understand the nature of our sin. To make marriages work, we need to understand how to apply the truth about God and His salvation.

      This study guide on Christian marriage focuses on how the Gospel shapes the practical realities of everyday life. Author Tim Chester lifts the lid on many of the common pressure points that modern couples face, and shows how a proper understanding of the Gospel can shape a response.

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    • Gospel Centered Family (Workbook)


      Part One: A Gospel-Centered Family
      1. Gospel-centered Families
      Your Family Can Show How Great It Is To Live Under God’s Reign Of Love.
      2. Gospel-centered Hopes
      Knowing God Is Far More Important Than Getting On In Life.
      Part Two: A Grace-Centered Family
      3. Disciplining A Parent’s Heart
      The Biggest Obstacle To Good Discipline Is Our Own Selfish Hearts.
      4. Grace For A Parent’s Heart
      Trying To Be A Good Parent Will Crush You If You Don’t Embrace Grace.
      5. Disciplining A Child’s Heart
      Changing Hearts Matters More Than Controlling Behaviour.
      6. Grace For A Child’s Heart
      Don’t Train Your Child To Be A Legalist.
      7. Children As A Gift
      Make Sure You Enjoy Your Children!
      Part Three: A Word-Centered Family
      8. Living The Word
      Teach Your Children About God In The Context Of Everyday Life.
      9. The Word And Other Voices
      Shape What Younger Children Watch And How Older Children Watch.
      10. Praying The Word
      Teach Children To Pray By Praying With Them.
      Part Four: A Mission-Centered Family
      11. A Bigger Family
      We Belong To Two Families.
      12. A Serving Family
      Children Are Not The Centre Of The World.

      Additional Info
      Numerous books set out to help Christian parents in the challenging mission of raising their children well-so what’s different about this one? Well, the answer’s in the title! It’s not about how the gospel fits into Christian family life, but how family life should fit into the gospel-God’s greatest purpose for this universe, achieved in Christ.

      Many books aim to raise up competent, balanced parents and well-trained, well-rounded children. But Tim Chester and Ed Moll focus on families growing God-knowing, Christ-confessing, grace-receiving, servant-hearted, mission-minded believers-adults and children together.

      Christian families should be about…
      – not just making good citizens but also church planters, missionaries, reformers, servants and evangelists
      – not just learning about God but also showing Him to others;
      – not just controlling behaviour but also changing the heart;
      – not just parents and children, but being an integral part of the wider church family.

      In twelve concise chapters, Gospel-Centered Family takes us through the major Bible principles for family life, challenging us to give up our ‘respectable’ middle-class idols, and to become the distinctively different people that God, through His gospel, calls us to be.

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    • Domestic Violence : Assault On A Womans Worth


      God designed the marriage relationship to benefit one another. He intended married couples to love, honor, and cherish each other all the days of their lives, but life doesn’t always turn out that way. In some relationships, cruelty has replaced the sacred relationship defined by God. The Domestic Violence mini-book outlines a Christian approach to help you identify and stop physical and emotional abuse.

      Experts estimate that 1-in-3 women suffer from some form of violence from a husband, boyfriend, or relative. In too many homes around the world, the marriage bond has become bondage-shared lives have become shattered by abuse. Husbands berate, belittle, and betray their wives. Yet these secret assaults stay hidden from the outside world. One mate harming the other has undermined the sacred relationship created by God.

      Any form of abuse is a flagrant violation of the marriage vows, To have and to hold from this day forward,”to love and to cherish, ’til death do us part.” And although such abuse is too frequently behind closed doors, it is blatantly in the open before the eyes of the Lord.

      Included in the mini-book Domestic Violence: Assault on a Woman’s Worth are abuse checklists with a list of behaviors that you may have observed or experienced. God has a heart for those who are victims of domestic violence. He wants you to know that he hears your cries; he thinks you are worthy of love without violence, and he holds you in the palm of his hand. Learn the causes of violent behavior and the reasons many women won’t leave abusive relationships.

      In the section titled, “Steps to Solution,” June Hunt gives many tools:
      *How to answer a person who claims that violence is justified.
      *How to know whether the abuser has really changed
      *How to build healthy boundaries
      *How to prepare a safety plan
      *How to use the law in the United States
      *And much more.

      This mini-book is a quick overview and is easy-to-understand. It focuses on the key issues and is perfect for the busy person who needs instant advice.

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    • Christ In The Chaos


      Moms: Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop striving to meet false expectations. Stop thinking your performance dictates your worth.

      For far too long mothers have been beaten down by the law of “do better” and “try harder.” The burden of “getting it right” threatens to crush weary souls who desire to serve their families faithfully. Christ in the Chaos brings comfort to conflicted hearts that are starved of grace and longing for the freedom in Christ the Bible promises.

      In this book, Kimm Crandall emphasizes the importance of the gospel and how Christ’s life, death, and resurrection change every aspect of motherhood. From finding our identity in Christ and understanding God’s grace to taking off the mask of acceptability and dealing with the comparison crud, this book will free you to serve your family knowing that his love for you does not change based on your performance.

      Christ in the Chaos is a “must read” for every mother who longs for what is seemingly impossible: peace and freedom in the midst of her chaos.

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    • Love Dare (Revised)


      Unconditional love is eagerly promised at weddings, but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the home. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.The Love Dare, the New York Times No. 1 best seller that has sold five million copies and was major plot device in the popular movie Fireproof, is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It’s time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage.This second edition features a special link to a free marriage assessment survey, a new preface by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, minor text updates, and select testimonials from The Love Dare readers. Take the dare!

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    • Beyond Ordinary : When A Good Marriage Just Isnt Good Enough


      How safe is your marriage? The answer may surprise you. The biggest threat to any marriage isn’t infidelity or miscommunication. The greatest enemy is ordinary. Ordinary marriages lose hope. Ordinary marriages lack vision. Ordinary marriages give in to compromise. Ordinary is the belief that this is as good as it will ever get. And when we begin to settle for ordinary, it’s easy to move from “I do” to “I’m done.”Justin and Trisha Davis know just how dangerous ordinary can be. In this beautifully written book, Justin and Trisha take us inside the slow fade that occurred in their own marriage-each telling the story from their own perspective. Together, they reveal the mistakes they made, the work they avoided, the thoughts and feelings that led to an affair and near divorce, and finally, the heart-change that had to occur in both of them before they could experience the hope, healing, and restoration of a truly extraordinary marriage.

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    • Nonprescription Drugs In Pregnancy


      A Smart Start Press Title

      Many women of child-bearing age buy over-the-counter medications for a variety of disorders, such as seasonal allergies, colds, headaches, and others. Whether planning their pregnancy or already pregnant, they want to know if these nonprescription drugs are safe for unborn babies. All nonprescription drugs contain one or more active ingredients that treat the patient’s symptoms and are actually drugs themselves. Twenty to thirty years ago, many of these active ingredients were FDA-approved prescription drugs. At the time, those prescription drugs were assigned a Pregnancy Risk Category: A, B, C, D, or X. Although some of these drugs switched from prescription to nonprescription status, meaning they could be sold over-the-counter, their Pregnancy Risk Categories still applied. This unique book contains the FDA’s Pregnancy Risk Categories for the active ingredients in five hundred nonprescription drugs, and includes a procedure for locating risk categories for any drug that isn’t in the book.

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    • Excellence In Marriage


      Married and Happy?

      Yes, it is possible! Your marriage can be all that you ever dreamed it would be-no matter what season you are in. In this honest, open, down-to-earth book, Diane Hampton explores the wonders of married life, as well as the woes. For those who want make their marriages better, Excellence in Marriage offers life-changing principles that are easy to put into practice.

      Learn to live in true unity by using these biblical principles. Enduring love, stored-up treasures, intimate communication, and true forgiveness are just a few of the marital building blocks you will be able to establish in your home. Your marriage can be transformed and flourish, far exceeding the expectations you had on your wedding day.

      Are you ready to be blessed with the “marriage made in heaven” that God desires for you? Keep reading-this book has the answers!

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    • Organic Outreach For Families


      In Organic Outreach for Families, Kevin and Sherry Harney share insights from the Scriptures and give practical advice from their own experience to help you learn how to transform your home into a lighthouse of God’s amazing grace.

      The Harneys discuss five ways you can naturally share your faith with others: Reaching your own children with the message of Jesus Sharing God’s grace with your extended family Raising your children to be beacons of light in their schools and in the neighborhood Opening the doors of your home to make it attractive and welcoming Shining the light of grace into your broader community The Harneys balance a concern for developing your home into a safe, secure environment with the biblical mandate for believers to be salt and light in the world. Pastors and parents will discover creative ways families can become a natural and winsome presence in their schools, through community activities, and as a witness in their neighborhoods.

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    • Fe Familia Y Finanzas – (Spanish)


      Rebuild the Foundations of
      …Your Faith
      …Your Family
      …Your Finances

      God is ready to help Christians rebuild and strengthen the foundations of their lives. By calling on Him and returning to His plan for success, you can:
      *Break free from the chains of debt
      *Enjoy God’s miraculous provision
      *Strengthen family relationships
      *Make wise decisions
      *Find freedom from fear
      *Build a power-filled faith
      *Protect your family from spiritual attacks
      *Live a joyful, victorious life

      Experience all of the blessings, prosperity, and abundance God has in store for every area of your life!

      Reconstruya los cimientos de
      …su fe
      …su familia
      …sus finanzas

      Dios esta preparado para ayudar a los cristianos a reconstruir y fortalecer los cimientos de sus vidas. Al clamar a El y regresar a su plan para el exito, usted puede:
      *Ser libre de las cadenas de la deuda
      *Disfrutar de la milagrosa provision de Dios
      *Fortalecer las relaciones familiares
      *Tomar decisiones sabias
      *Encontrar libertad del temor
      *Edificar una fe llena de poder
      *Proteger a su familia de ataques espirituales
      *Vivir una vida gozosa y victoriosa

      !Experimente todas las bendiciones, prosperidad y abundancia que Dios tiene preparadas para cada area de su vida!

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    • This Momentary Marriage


      The chasm between the biblical vision of marriage and the common human conception is-and has always been-gargantuan. Reflecting on over forty years of matrimony, John Piper exalts the biblical meaning of marriage over its emotion, exhorting couples to keep their covenant as a display of Christ’s covenant-keeping love for the church. He aims to lift the church’s low view of marriage to something infinitely greater, namely, a vision of Jesus’s unswerving allegiance to and affection for his bride. This Momentary Marriage unpacks the biblical vision, its unexpected contours, and its weighty implications for married, single, divorced, and remarried alike. Now available in paperback with a freshly redesigned cover, Piper’s book on marriage holds even greater appeal.

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    • Baby Names : Thousands Of Names And Their Meanings


      The First Gift You Give Your Child

      To help you in the wonderful and important task of naming your child, Baby Names provides a comprehensive listing of great choices for any boy or girl-from Aaron to Zuwena-with plenty of variety in between. In addition to its extensive list of names, this book also includes…
      *Origins and meanings of a wide selection of names
      *Ideas for creating a name specifically suited for your child
      *Some of the greatest Bible names found in Scripture
      *Alternative spellings and variations of popular names
      *Things to avoid when naming your baby
      *Helpful sidebars highlighting accomplishments of famous Christians

      Baby Names will be an invaluable resource in your family for one of the most cherished decisions you’ll ever make as a parent!

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    • Ceremony Of Marriage (Reprinted)


      The marriage union is the closest relationship that can exist between two human beings. When a man and woman decide to join together in marriage, they should do so with full realization of their responsibilities. Marriage is serious business.

      This booklet contains the wedding ceremony that Kenneth Copeland uses as a minister of God. It is based totally and completely on the Word of God.

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    • Friends And Lovers


      Neither a comprehensive marriage manual, nor a complete exploration of the theological significance of marriage, Friends and Lovers focuses on two key ingredients in a vital marriage, friendship and sexual intimacy. Drawing from the wisdom of the Bible, especially the Book of Proverbs, Joel Beeke shows you how to grow closer to your spouse both emotionally and physically.

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    • Family Shepherds : Calling And Equipping Men To Lead Their Homes


      The author of Family Driven Faith trains Christian men to model God’s truth and pass it on from generation to generation. God has mandated the transfer of his truth from one generation to the next. Because this transfer takes place primarily in the home, Voddie Baucham Jr. seeks to guide men in faithfully shepherding their families. Derived from Baucham’s monthly meetings with men in his church, Family Shepherds calls men to accountability for their God-given responsibilities as husbands and fathers. This book will inspire them to live better, love better, and lead better so that their families will thrive in every way.Baucham’s clear style and practical approach will help men protect their marriage, raise kingdom-minded children, value the synergy between church and home, and navigate difficult family dynamics. It will inspire them to carefully evaluate and live out their role in all areas of life. Family Shepherds is a book that every father needs and that every church will want as a resource for training the men in their congregations.

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