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    Text Only Bibles

    • Larger Print Bible


      Easier To Read and Highly Portable!

      This NIV Larger Print Bible has the best of all worlds – a highly portable size, a larger, very readable, 10 point type that makes for comfortable reading without straining, and the #1 selling New International Version (NIV) translation. It is sure to become a favorite ministry Bible for prison, street and homeless ministry, and nursing home outreaches. Ideal for a child who’s beginning to read, an elderly loved one, or anyone who appreciates a larger text size than most Outreach Bibles, in a two column per page format.

      * Introductions to each Book of the Bible
      * Limited Old Testament and New Testament maps
      * An extended Table of Contents (Mapping the Story) that helps put the various Biblical Books of the Bible in their historical groupings. Helping the reader see how it all fits together
      * The Drama of the Bible in Six Acts introduction
      * The Drama of the Bible: A Visual Chronology Biblical timeline
      * Living the Script practical application page
      * A Table of Weights and Measures

      1 in stock

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    • NVI NIV Spanish English Bible

      Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $27.99.

      This bilingual Bible contains a side-by-side treatment of the English New International Version (NIV) and Spanish Nueva Version Internacional (NVI) translations. Excellent for evangelism, travelers, and newcomers to either language who enjoy reading God’s Word. Black leather-look cover. Includes concordance, glossary, and table of weights and measures.

      * Table of contents by Bible order and Alphabetic order
      * A limited Bible Dictionary and Concordance, Glossary, and Weights & Measures Table are also included in the back.

      1 in stock

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    • Voice Bible Personal Size


      The Voice(TM) is a faithful dynamic equivalent translation that reads like a story with all the truth and wisdom of God’s Word. Through compelling narratives, poetry, and teaching, The Voice invites readers to enter into the whole story of God with their heart, soul, and mind, enabling them to hear God speaking and to experience His presence in their lives. Through a collaboration of nearly 120 biblical scholars, pastors, writers, musicians, poets, and artists, The Voice recaptures the passion, grit, humor, and beauty that is often lost in the translation process. The result is a retelling of the story of the Bible in a form as fluid as modern literary works yet painstakingly true to the original manuscripts.

      Features include:
      Italicized information added to help contemporary readers understand what original readers would have known intuitively
      In-text commentary notes that include cultural, historical, theological, or devotional thoughts
      Screenplay format, ideal for public readings and group studies
      Book introductions
      Presentation page for personalization
      Reading plans for Lent, Easter, Advent, and more
      Topical Guide to the Notes
      Topical Guide to the Scripture

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    • Bread Of Life Gospel Of John


      SKU (ISBN): 9780840700155ISBN10: 0840700156Translation: New King James Version (NKJV)Language: EnglishColor: Full ColorBinding: PaperPublished: August 2010Publisher: Thomas Nelson

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • Large Print Pew Bible


      SKU (ISBN): 9781598562934ISBN10: 1598562932Translation: (Authorized) King James Version (KJV)Language: EnglishColor: BlackBinding: ClothFont size: 10Published: September 2008Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

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    • Low Cost Bible


      This is simply a good-quality, low-cost Contemporary English (CEV) Bible. Outside you will find an attractive new cover. Inside you’ll find helpful reader’s aides such as:
      An overview of all the books in the Bible
      Book introductions and outlines
      An easy-to-follow daily Bible reading plan
      Simple suggestions on how to read the Bible devotionally
      Reference maps and listings of people, places, event, dates and more!

      This is an ideal Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible for home, church or outreach and is an exceptional value, especially in case lots!

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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